Check Up With Tooth

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Bunny stayed with Jack until the boy was in a deep sleep, breathing softly yet deeply. Making sure the room was quite cold, he shut the door slowly and made his way to North's office.

The Pooka nearly swung the door open upon habit but remembered how the jolly man gets when he's busy, so Bunny knocked. "Come in!" Came a shout and so Bunny entered. "Bunny! Finished with errands?" North looked up from carving something in wood.

"Yeah, but we have a predicament." He crossed his arms as one of his ears flattened in his exasperated mood. North's face drooped as he sighed. "It's Jack isn't it." He stated rather than asking, earning a nod from Bunny.

"Shasta- what happened, where is he?" He asked while standing up but Bunny held his hand out to stop him. "He's fine. It seems the bloke convinced Dalliah to give him a snowglobe to the Warren. He may have lost his memory but he's still as curious and reckless as ever." The Pooka shook his head with a chuckle and North nodded with a small smile in understanding.

"But he is usually fine in Warren for a long while, what is issue?" North asked skeptically. He was thinking that Jack may have frozen a dye river or maybe made it snow on accident, but Bunny's mood would be more sour if that were the case.

"Apparently he had a big memory and it made him feel icky faster." Bunny shrugged. North looked a bit unsure at that, but stayed quiet as he was thinking. "Maybe Toothie should examine him. She might know something." North fiddled with a wood carving pick as his brows furrowed.

"You think so?" Bunny leaned against the doorway with his arms still crossed. "How long would you say he was there?" Bunny asked making North look at the clock. "I left him with Dalliah about 2 and a half hours ago." He replied, causing Bunny's eyebrows to furrow.

"The kit can last at least 5 hours in the Warren without winding down. Maybe we should get Tooth." Bunny pondered aloud. "But she is very busy lately, it is time consuming for her to come all this way." North also pondered aloud.

After a moment of silence, Bunny looked at North again, straighting his stance. "We could take Jack to her." He offered. "The baby teeth." North pointed out. "They'll back off when I tell them to." Bunny replied.

"And Baby Tooth?" North asked knowingly. "Oh." Bunny's ears drooped. "Tooth no doubt told her." He added. "But she will be upset to see he truely doesn't remember." North commented. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." And North shrugged in agreement.

"Where is the boy now?" North asked as he stood. "In a room, asleep. Should we wait until he wakes up?" Bunny was hesitant to wake him but he wanted to find out what's wrong with the kid. "We can try to move him without waking him?" North asked rather than suggested.

"Alright." And with that the two went to Jack's room. Bunny quietly opened the door and poked his head in to make sure the boy was still asleep, which he was. "We can take the tunnels, they'll be quieter." North nodded in agreement.

North went to the edge of the bed and gently uncovered the sleeping figure, carefully sliding his arms under him and lifting him up. North cradled him gently, freezing as Jack shifted in his arms but relaxed as Jack snuggled into the fur of his coat.

The two elders nodded at eachother and Bunny opened a tunnel, hopping into it. North hopped in as carefully as possible, holding Jack close and still as he slid through it with ease. The opening to the tunnel came into view and he jumped out with a small jolt but Jack didn't move at all.

Fairies flew around in all directions as Tooth was hovering in the air talking to a group of fairies. North tried to cover Jack with his coat as to not draw so much attention from the mini fairies. "Take him inside, I'll talk to Tooth." Bunny instructed as North walked into a part of the palace.

Bunny got the tooth fairy's attention and explained what had happened at the Warren, her expression becoming more and more worried as he spoke. "Okay, I'll go take a look, but lets go to my quarters so we'll have privacy.

With that, she led them to her chambers, closing the massive doors behind them. It was wide and open, big window areas that didn't have any glass allowed the room to be filled with plenty of natural light.

There was a massive bed handing from the high ceiling that she instructed them to lay Jack on. He instantly snuggled into the incredibly squishy matress and soft fabrics of the sheets. Tooth sat at the edge of the bed just above his head with a worried expression.

She placed both of her hands on the sides of his temples, closing her eyes and concentrating. "Its... very cloudy." She whispered as her brows furrowed in concentration. "I can see why he's been getting headaches after some strong memories." She stated, quieting her voice more as Jack shifted slightly, scrunching his face a little as he did so.

"Why?" Bunny asked almost nervous for the answer. "Its like, when he remembers something, he's subconsciously trying to push or force more out, but he can't so he tries to force it even more, so it causes a bad headache from trying too hard." She explained.

"Okay, but why is he sick now? He was only in Warren for short time. Is it because of the memory he had?" North asked, confused. Tooth opened her eyes to look at him as he spoke but closed her eyes once more to focus on Jack's mind.

"There's.. alot of pressure building up. Alot of memories, feelings- alot of things are trying to force themselves to the surface but they're blocked. He's subconsciously trying to force them forward like I said but-" she scrunched her face a little while shaking her head.

"Its too much to force to the surface at once, so his body is reacting to the strain he's putting on himself. We need to stop giving him so many details when we tell him about things and let the memories come to him on their own." She let go of the boy's head and looked up at North and Bunny.

"I know he's curious and will probably ask questions, as he's already done, but don't go into too much detail. Only give him small answers or explain to him why you can't tell him. He's missing 300 years worth of memories. It'll be too much all at once." She explained to them while subconsciously running her fingers through Jack's hair.

"Alright, we'll be careful. We'll tell the kids too." Tooth nodded at Bunny's statement with a small smile. "Ultimately, just let him rest for now. The mind is powerful but he needs to let it rest. If he's tired, let him relax." She earned two sets of nods again.

"I'm glad you boys came to me about this, but I could have came to you. He's a little warmer than he should be, he needs the cold." She added as she felt his forehead. "We know you are busy bee" North smiled at her.

"Thank you, but take him back and let him sleep. I'll come check on him when I have time, and update me if anything happens." She replied as she stood up. "Will do, you're amazing." Bunny smiled as he opened a tunnel, hopping into it.

The journey back to the Pole was slightly more bumpy than it was to the Tooth Palace, so Jack woke up a bit once they hopped out from the tunnels and began walking back to his room.

He looked up at North with half lidded eyes, earning a bright and warm smile down at him. "It is okay, little one, go back to sleep." The jolly man gave the boy's arm a gentle pat and he obeyed without hesitation.

The men took Jack back to his room with no issues and tucked him into bed. North had switched the blankets on the bed out with cooling ones so Jack wouldn't get warm as he bundled up in the blankets in his sleep.

Bunny made sure the window would stay cracked so the air could get in, but closed the drapes to keep the room dim for Jack to sleep peacefully. Before they left him alone, Bunny pulled out a small package from his pouch on his boomerang pack.

Opening the package with care, he pulled out a deep blue scarf with silver and white snowflakes knitted into the pattern. The silver threads caught the light beautifully, making the snowflakes have a glittering effect in the light.

The Pooka folded it halfway and draped it over the back of the chair next to the bed for Jack to find when he woke up. He was sure the kit would like it.

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