A Small Peice

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*Third Person P.O.V.*

Jack's panic attack subsided as he and Bunny sat there, the ice covering the living room had begun to melt as well. Bunny swore to himself that he'd fight the moon itself if anything were to happen to Jack, his baby brother.

The boy took one last deep, shaky breath before pulling away from the embrace. "I... I'm sorry," he said. "For what? You've done nothing wrong." Montey piped in shyly.

The winter spirit shook his head. "For causing so many problems, for forgetting everything. I don't know who- or why- this Pitch guy wants me dead or anything. Why am I here 300 years l-" Jack had begun to rant again, his shoulders shaking from the tension he was causing himself.

"Woah, woah, woah slow down, mate. We don't want you having another episode, a'right?" Bunny said, his voice softer than anyone had ever heard. Jack took another deep breath and relaxed a bit. There are bigger things to worry about right now, he thought.

"Wait.." Jack stood suddenly and began to pace, his hand on his chin in deep thought. "If I knocked myself out, how am I still alive?" He paused and looked at Bunny. The rabbit blinked, only just now realizing that Jack had a point.

"I think something else got it's attention and it followed?" Bunny shrugged, now trying to figure out what had truely happened. The children looked on in anxious curiosity.

The winter spirit's eyebrows knitted together in a feirce scowl as he thought harder. "No. It was dead set on killing me. It's aura said it all. And the fact that it kept right on my tail from the Pole to Burgess.." he picked at his hoodie strings in agitation, why hadn't it killed him if it was so determined?

The aura in the room grew tenser and tenser the more he paced, everyone was starting to worry if they should stop him from thinking so hard. They'd never seen their friend like this. "You have a point.." Cupcake mumbled.

Suddenly, the boy stopped dead in his tracks. He lifted his chin from his hand, a confused glare upon his stern gaze as he looked forward. "Jack? Whats up?" Jamie asked. He'd only seen a look somewhat like the one adorning his friend's face once before, and thats when they were face to face with the Boogyman himself.

"But it doesn't make sense.." Jack mumbled but turned his attention to the waiting party. "The only logical reason it would have stopped chasing me would have been because Pitch called it back.. but why?" He fiddled with his hoodie strings again, pacing once more.

Before anyone could comment, he continued. "In all seriousness I was dead. It could have torn me to shreds before Bunny even got to me but it didn't. It left." He stated, his glare getting more confused. "I was right there yet it didn't lay a hand- claw- it didn't touch me at all. So.." his pace quickened and he fiddled with his hoodie in a more anxious way.

"So..? What.. what's goin through that head of yours, kit?" Bunny asked cautiously. He knew Jack was a smart kid. "So why ruin that perfect opportunity? He failed once-" he was interrupted by Jamie.

"Twice." He said but Jack swept over it. "He failed to kill me already so why pull back at the last second? Especially when I'm right in his reach?" It was Bunny's turn to put his hand on his chin in thought. "Its almost as if..." Bunny began and Jamie finished, "as if he's trying to scare you."

Jack looked out of the window with a cold glare. "He has no idea who he's messing with." The frost boy deadpanned. The wind began to whip around him, with his memory gone he had forgotten how to control his powers, so now they fully reacted with his emotions. And Jack was angry.

This Pitch person had made Jack's life hell over this short span of time. He'd caused him injury, memory loss, and has threatened his family. "Oi, mate, calm down." Bunny coaxed.

The boy took a few deep breaths and the wind died down. Bunny had never seen Jack like this, and he now respected the amount of control the boy had for his powers before losing his memory. Sure he was mad now but if Pitch really crossed the line, the whole continent might as well become the new Antarctica.

If Pitch was looking for a fight, he sure as hell found one now.

Time Skip

It had been a few days since the incident and Jack seemed a bit on edge. Not spooked or anything but.. a few elves had jumped out to scare him a few times and one ended up with a black eye and a busted lip. So, he wasn't taking any chances.

Currently, they were attempting to relax in the main lounge room. They had been searching for the Boogyman with no luck so they decided to take a breather. North was reading a book to a small group of elves while Tooth flitted around with her baby teeth, Sandy was napping, Bunny was painting an egg and Jack was on his window sill observing the others and thinking.

The book North was reading was... a little dark, if Jack was being honest. "Poor little mouse, all alone in it's hole' said the Cat. 'So weak, all alone. No one will ever love you." North's reading brought Jack's full attention to him as the boy stared in confused horror.

Why was it affecting him so much? His vision clouded as a memory came into his mind. The first to notice that something was wrong was Phil. He'd noticed the room was getting abnormally cold, even with the frost child there.

Then he had noticed the way Jack's face was contorted in pain, and fear. But he also noticed the distant look in his eyes, as if he wasn't truely there. As if he was somewhere else. He slowly got North's attention, still eyeing the boy with caution for there was ice circling outwards from him.

North instantly stopped reading once he looked up, his heart sank at the sight. "Jack, what's wrong?" Bunny asked, he had noticed North go silent and immediately took in the situation.

"I-I... I-I didn't-" the boy muttered so quietly, his voice cracking as tears brimmed his dull eyes and his hands began to twitch. "Jack?" North asked, he was so confused. He had gathered that he wasn't all there but he was talking, so what was wrong?

"It's a memory.." Tooth chimed in with a sad expression. She motioned for silence since the memory seemed to be a big one and she didn't want to stress Jack out more.

"I-It wasn't me! I-I... I-I'm sorry.." he sobbed. Sandy had woken and tried to comfort his friend but Tooth stopped him. The room had gotten significantly colder but the Guardians ignored it for now.

Bunny however, had a feeling that he knew what memory it was but he stayed silent. Jack's eyes grew wide and he sucked in a deep breath as if waking from a bad dream, his sobbing cutting off into panicked breathing.

He looked around frantically and put a hand to his forehead while his body shook, a panic attack was under way.

"Mate, mate- hey, its okay!" Bunny was immediately by his side and holding his shoulders down gently. The trembling boy tried to pull away, more sobs threatening to escape but Bunny held him firm.

"Mate its okay, I promise" he rubbed the smaller boy's arms in a comforting way and Jack hesitantly looked up at the large Pooka. "I aint mad, kit. I promise." Bunny gave a soft, reassuring smile and Jack just stared at him.

He was shocked that Bunny knew what he saw. He saw what had happened on that Easter that Pitch attacked. He saw Pitch, heard everything he had taunted Jack about. Bunny knew.

Jack hugged the Pooka so tight, he didn't want to ever let go. He felt safe with the Pooka. He didn't remember the full confrontation with the Guardians. He only remembered Pitch and finding the eggs broken. He remembered North's and Tooth's hurt expressions but thats where it ended.

Bunny hates himself for what happened that day. For yelling at the poor child. For almost hitting him. So, he held the trembling boy for hours until he fell asleep. He gave his comrades a look that told them what had happened and no words were spoken.

Only a silent agreement that Pitch will pay for what he's done.

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