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*No One's P.O.V.*

Jack slept soundly through the night and into late morning. "Bunny will you take him to Jamie's before going to Warren? I wish to have him with someone while he travels, sadly Tooth and Sandy are gone and I have many things to catch up on." North pleaded with the Pooka with an apologetic look.

As Jack was beginning to wake up, Bunny sat next to him, nodding at North. He was planning to do so anyway and he liked North's idea of using the buddy system. "Thank you." He replied, patting Jack gently on the leg as the boy opened his eyes.

"Good morning!" He exclaimed, jolly as ever. The tone and excitement in his voice made Jack smile as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, "Mornin'" he replied. "It is busy day for the rest of us, Bunny will take you to Jamie's, da?" North both informed and asked to make sure Jack would be okay with it.

Jack was a bit sad that they were busy, but he understood. He also didn't have a problem with hanging out with the kids, it was fine with him so he nodded. "Yeah, I think they were gonna be doing homework today though. Whatever that is." He mumbled to himself while standing and stretching.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when Bunny stood too, he hadn't even noticed the Pooka sitting there at all. Bunny stared at him a bit wide eyed, as he wasn't sure why Jack had jumped. "Jesus- how long have you been there?!" Jack asked with a slight chuckle after calming himself.

"The whole time." Bunny stated with a small smile, finding Jack's reaction mildly amusing. "I'm taking you to the kids' today." He informed, Jack raised an eyebrow not sure why he'd need to be escorted. "We don't want anything to happen. If Pitch or his beast decide to attack you if you're all alone." North explained earning a nod of understanding from Jack.

"Got it. Well, lets get going I guess." Jack picked up his staff as Bunny made a tunnel. Jack looked at the dark hole warily. "Trust me, you like the tunnels." And that seemed to be enough to convince him. He made a step closer to the tunnel, but stopped. An odd feeling washed over him and he turned to North.

North raised an eyebrow, almost concerned. Jack looked up at him, confused and slightly unsure, but he stepped closer to North and wrapped his arms around the big man and hugged him tight. He didn't know why but he felt compelled to hug him. Something in his heart told him to do it.

North and Bunny's eyes were as wide as saucers. Jack hadn't been one for hugs or physical affection, but he'd been getting used to head pats, and comforting rubs on his arms or back. The children hugging him had been an exception at least. They would always initiate the hugs and Jack would always be awkward but somewhat hug back.

But he had never deliberately made the move to hug someone. After a moment, he let go and stepped back. With a small wave, he hopped into the tunnel. Bunny blinked at North for a few moments after Jack had gone in, so did North.

"Oh my-" North nodded at Bunny's words. "G-go," he informed and Bunny went into the tunnel. They weren't sure what to say about what had just happened, only that they were completely shocked. As Bunny hopped through the tunnels, he could hear Jack's distant giggles.

He smiled, "Told ya." He mumbled. Jack had liked the tunnels, but occasionally got claustrophobic in them so Bunny tried to make them wider when he knew that Jack would be travelling in them.

A hole formed in Jamie's living room and out stumbled Jack, giggling like crazy and nearly tripping as he caught himself. Bunny popped out shortly after and the tunnel closed. "Well good morning to you too," came Jamies voice from the kitchen.

He was smiling at Jack who was slowly quieting his giggles. "The tunnels are awesome!!" The spirit cheered, going over and telling Jamie all about the tunnels as if Jamie was hearing about them for the first time. Bunny smiled softly at the sight and the sound of Jack's giddy voice as he spoke to his friend.

Bunny's chest gave an odd ache, an ache he couldn't quite place. But a thought popped into his head just as the ache had made its presence known: Jack seemed somewhat... happier, without his memories.

That thought made Bunny freeze. He wasn't sure what that thought and the feeling in his heart meant, but it made him a little sad. Maybe those 300 years in solitude affected him more deeply then they'd realized.

"Hey, Jack? Can I.." Bunny began, pausing when Jack looked over at him and started walking over. He caught a glimpse of Jamie's wary expression to his tone but ignored it. "Yeah, what's up?" The boy smiled up at the Pooka.

Bunny sighed, he knew this would eat at him unless he said it, and he knew Jack more than deserved to hear it. "I-.. You don't remember, but.." he paused again, Jack's expression beginning to look a bit worried at Bunny's tone.

The rabbit sighed and continued, "there was this huge, really destructive blizzard on Easter in 1968.." he paused again, his stomach churning as Jack's face grew fearful and nervous.

"Bad things happened and.. I blamed you for it, for decades, and I just really want you to know that I know it wasn't your fault, and I'm so, so sorry I blamed you for it. I said so many mea-" he apologized but was interrupted by Jack.

"Its okay." He stated with a sweet smile. Bunny was stunned, "w-what?" He asked in surprise. "I said its okay! You're right, I don't remember, but I can tell it's affecting you and I forgive you." He said with such a sweet and innocent smile that made Bunny's heart hurt.

"But-" Bunny was at a loss for words, so was Jamie. Jamie didn't know a whole lot about the Blizzard of 68 but Jack had told him that it was his first run in with Bunny and it ended hellish. "I may not know what our relationship was back thatn but I know what it's like now. I know that day must have been bad, and that you were going to say you said mean things but you haven't said anything mean to me since I met you," Jack smiled reassuringly.

"Well, since I met you again, technically." At this, Bunny chuckled. "But I'm assuming it was a long time ago, since you said 'decades' so its no biggie, promise." Bunny relaxed slightly at his friends words, he was right. Their relationship had changed drastically since then.

Bunny nodded, "If you're certain." He replied. "I am!" Jack stated confidently, turning back to Jamie who was smiling softly as he made breakfast. This interaction between Bunny and Jack was so heartwarming to him, they'd been rivals and constantly faught with eachother so often.

He could tell they'd grown significantly closer lately, they reminded him of a big brother and his little brother. They cared for eachother, he could tell. "Well, I have to get goin' now." Bunny informed as he made a tunnel.

At the Pooka's words, that odd feeling from before returned and he turned back to face him. He had the same expression as he did while looking at North, and Bunny noticed it right away.

They stared at eachother for a moment before Bunny straightened himself up and held his arms out, Jack instantly wrapped himself into the hug. Jamie's eyes widened like North's and Bunny's had earlier.

Bunny rubbed Jack's back a little before pulling away, Jack smiling somewhat apologetically. "Take it easy, kit" and after a firm nod from the smaller boy, Bunny leapt into his tunnels.

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