Part One

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Hello everyone! Before I get started, I need to tell you that I am in no way shape or form a "professional" at making OCs. I've just done it since I was very young, and have made many bad OCs and have learned from them.

Remember, this is purely from my experience and my own personal opinion, so if you don't agree with me, that's okay!

Let's get started.

First, determine what world your OC will be living in. Will it be fantasy? Based on the real world? It may be good to draw inspiration from shows, movies, or books for this first part.

If you get frustrated, remember, creating a character is no easy task. It will take time.
I made my newest OCs around 2 years ago. And they are still being updated to this day. I think this is in part to you always changing as a person, and as you change your character(s) will too. But, remember to always have a solid foundation for your OC. It'd be weird for a mature, introverted, character to randomly change into a bubbly, extroverted, character. (Unless something in the world changed them, of course.)

Now, let's move onto the OCs themselves.

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