Chapter 12: Obviously the Young Lady is Good Luck

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"Try two longer strides, Kyle!" Neville calls from atop Shae.

I grit my teeth and send Sol back over the combination. He lands gracefully on the other side and tosses his head. "I think that'll be all for me; Sol needs some energy for the course," I call back, sending the stallion trotting back to the group. I shake my head to get the water out of my hair.

"Hey," Matt laughs, backing Spirit Animal away from the spray. "Watch where you aim."

I push the wet hair out of my face and grin. "Doesn't matter. You're going through the course next; that last vertical will get you soaked."

He shakes his head and Spirit takes off towards the course.

"Well, we did pretty well with the secondaries this morning," Justin comments, taking Matt's place beside me.  Aristocrat dances beneath him.

The smile on my face grows. "We whooped their butts," I clarify. Prim flew through the course, but almost refused a wall. Even with the little hiccup, we managed to pull eighth place. Matt won on his secondary, Plausible.

"Matt and Red killed that course," he adds, as if reading my thoughts. "We'll have to have some more joint practices with the show jumping team."

I nod. "I'll talk to Kiera."

Maggie comes up from behind Justin. "We should head back," she says. Chance bumps lightly against Aristocrat's shoulder. I watch, impressed. If Sol did that, Justin's stallion would steamroll him.

Matt canters towards us. "Great round, as always!" Willow calls. "Ready to go?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," he answers brightly. Spirit prances up beside me and Sol snorts in greeting. Together, Maggie, Willow, Matt, Justin, and I set off back to the stables.

"I don't understand why the rest of the team wanted to use the indoor arena with the rest of the competitors," I comment.

Willow snorts. "We're soaked and we have flecks of mud all over our horses. We're going to have to change and re-groom them."

I look down and sigh. "Oh yeah." At least the lagoon was worth it.


A figure sprints out of the stable, spooking the horses around her. "Elaine!" I call sternly. "Should you be running near horses?"

She stops, panting, and walks beside Sol. "," she admits. "Mom just told me to tell you we have front row seats."

I smile. "Good. I'll be able to see you, too." I lean down to ruffle her hair and she bats me away. "Want a ride?" I ask.

"Is that even a question?" she asks, reaching up and grabbing the saddle. She swings up in front of me.

"I think you're gaining weight," I groan. "You're only sixteen. You shouldn't be getting your freshman fifteen yet," I joke, poking her in the side.

She glares. "I swear, four months alone and suddenly you think you can say anything you want," she says, poking me back.

Justin laughs. "Do we have another team member now? And even better, one with as much sarcasm as Kyle!" He rides up next to us.

Elaine blushes bright red and suddenly looks almost.. shy. Elaine is never, ever shy. 

I have to try very hard not to laugh. "Maybe the new rider wants to race Justin and his plow horse?"

Justin looks at Elaine, an exaggerated look of hurt on his face. "My horse? Slow? That's rich, coming from the man with who rides at the pace of a snail."

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