A / N

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This is officially the first story I've actually finished.

BUT I wouldn't say it's completely finished. I've purposely left some aspects open and left some ideas unfinished, because even though the main story line is finished, there's still things that could be elaborated.

I decided to end it here because I feel like it would have gotten quite boring and repetitive  had I continued.


I will be adding occasional bonus chapters to this story and

I would be extraordinarily happy if you'd suggest aspects you'd like me to further develop,

Or parts of the story you'd like to hear from Brendon's POV

These are the ones I'm pretty set on doing for now:

- exploring the character of the guy who got ryan out of prison

- the back story with their parents

- what happened with Dallon

Please feel free to add things!!

That said, I'd like to thank everybody who bothered to read this story,  never would I have thought so many people would, and thank you for every single comment I got, because honestly, comments are the best. :)

(Btw with this being my most read story I will often tell you to read newly published other stories so look forward to that lmao)

See ya soon!!

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