1.28 ◇ You Don't Own Me

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The next few days consisted of Brendon and me making my home a little more liveable, meaning we dragged in numerous blankets and pillows (we tried to get in a matress but it wouldn't fit through either of the entrances), small tables and lamps, and a lot of clothes.

It looked a whole lot friendlier, more so after I had spent an entire afternoon dusting everything of.

We must have done quite a nice job, because when Jon moved in, he seemed happy; or he was just a really good actor.

Everything was coming along great, but god forbid it be that way.

All that begann to change when Brendon announced to me his father was hosting a dinner party, and he even managed to convince him that I would be relieved from my butler duties and spend the evening as a friend and guest.

You could say I was nervous, if not downright terrified of the evening, yet again I was also very excited and curious, as I had never been to such an event.

I took a shower and begann to dress myself with the clothes Brendon had laid out for me, black pants, a waist-coat, jacket, white tie, shirt and gloves.

When I exited the bathroom, Brendon was already dressed and sat on the bed, a worried expression on his face. I had noticed he wore it for quite some time now, whenever I wasn't looking, and I knew there was something he was keeping from me, but I didn't mention anything.

"Are you alright?" I asked him, and his eyes widened as he looked over at me.

"You look amazing," he whispered and I felt my cheeks heaten and sat down beside him, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Here's how this is going to go, your name is Ryan Ross and you are a painter. Your escort will be Elizabeth Berg, an opera singer," he pulled me up and walked over to the left side of me, adjusting my arm and sliding his under mine.

"That's how you escort her. Left side, Ryan, left side. And when you get introduced to a lady, you bow, like so," he explained, demonstrating.

"Be polite, take your gloves off at the table, only engage in casual chit-chat... um, just try to follow my lead."

I nodded, doing my best to remember all those things.

"Alright, let's go, the first guests will be arriving soon," he sighed, taking a deep breath.

I followed him downstairs, politely greeting Mr. Urie, who stood ready to receive the guests, which, as Brendon had earlier explained, was normally done by the hostess, but due to the fact that there was no hostess, he had to do the task.

A lot of staff had been hired for the evening, and I was glad I wasn't doing anything, for I would surely fuck it up.

"Ry, there's something I need to tell-"

He was cut off by the door to the parlor, as this room was called, opened and Mr. Urie entered, accompanied by a beautiful young lady with blonde hair, which was gracefully tied up.

"Madam Berg, this will be your escort for tonight, Sir Ross," he introduced and I bowed, just like Brendon had showed me, Elizabeth performing a curtsey. I was learning.

"How do you do?" Brendon said smoothly, helping me make light conversation.

After that, I was introduced to a lot of other guests, and I had managed to stay in character, however never leaving the safety of Brendon's side.

Brendon's escort arrived about 10 minutes after, a very pretty woman with brown hair and big eyes.

She was introduced to me as Sarah Orzechowski, and I sure hoped I wouldn't have to adress her this evening because I couldn't remember her name two seconds after Brendon had spoken it.

We were soon joined by Brendon's father and his escort, and I did my best to follow the conversation topic, but often found my self staring at a certain dark haired boy standing across from me.

However, my attention was caught by something that made my heart do this unpleasant twisty thing.

"So, I hear you two are engaged?" Mr. Urie's escort asked, looking at Sarah and Brendon.

"Yes, the wedding is in spring time," Sarah said sweetly, and I felt like an arrow had just been shot through my heart.

He was engaged? And he had failed to mention it the whole time? I felt sick.

I tried to look anywhere but him and focused on Elizabeth's jewellery, which was indeed very pretty, the diamonds softly empathising her seemingly flawless skin.

But it didn't really help keep my heart from splittering in tons of tiny pieces.

"Sir Ross, would you mind escorting me outside, I'd like some fresh air," Elizabeth asked, and I nodded gladly, blessing her for that.

Once outside, she turned to me and crossed her arms.

"You're sleeping with the host's son," she stated, staring me straight in the eye.

"I- what?" I spluttered, staring at her in shock. How?

"It's kind of obvious, and I'm guessing you didn't know he was engaged," she continued, shrugging carelessly.

"I- don't tell anyone," I stuttered, not quite sure how to handle the situation.

"Don't worry, what's your first name? I think we passed formal conversation. Anyway, I'm on your side," she grinned cheerfully, and I couldn't help but start to like her.

"Ryan," I answered, still a little baffled.

"Right, Ryan. So, what's your plan?"


"Plan to win him back, stop the wedding!" She rolled her eyes, as if that should have been obvious.

"I'm not sure I want to do that," I murmered. He betrayed me. Lied to me.

"Then at least tell him how you feel."

I looked at her skeptically, and she sent me a reassuring smile.

"Look, I can tell you didn't grow up here, you do a good job pretending you are, but I can tell. Wherever you come from, I'm guessing you were a worker, that doesn't mean you're worth less than we are. If anything, a lot more. You're not spoilt, and have a much wider perspective. So stop feeling like you owe him anything, you don't. Just because he raised your living standards doesn't mean you're his toy and he gets to treat you like he pleases."

I stared at her, amazed how she knew so much about my life just by the few minutes we had known each other.

"I guess you're right," I murmered, a slightly resentful feeling building up towards Brendon now. "I'll talk to him."


You don't own me
I'm not just one of your many toys
You don't own me
Don't tell me what to do
And don't tell me what to say


2k bitches <3 i thank you

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