1.11 ◇ Changes

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"If I may ask, Mr. Ryan, what is your story?"

Diana had joined me outside after a while, probably to keep an eye on me and was now trying to make conversation with me, in which she didn't really succeed because all my answers consisted of 'Yes.', 'No.', or a nod or shake of my head.

It's not like I was purposely being rude, I was just much happier observing nature.

This time, I shrugged and held my hand out to a little bug crawling around in the grass.

She sighed and handed me a cup of tea.

I accepted it, carefully transferring the bug onto my other hand.

"You should come back inside soon, it's getting late," she said.

But I didn't want to.

Diana didn't give me much of a choice though, because she took the cup away from me and lifted one of the blankets off my shoulders.

Reluctantly I set the bug back down on the grass and got up, taking the rest of the blankets with me.

I flopped down on the couch again, pulling the blankets back on top of me and snuggling into them.


I realised I had fallen asleep only when I was roused by a cold hand being pressed to my forehead.

Snapping my eyes open, I flinched and tried to escape the touch.

"He seems a lot better."

"Better, but not good."

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, sitting up on the couch.

It was dark outside and a lamp was burning on the ceiling, casting a dim light through the room.

I had no idea how long I had already been here and I knew that I had to go see my father soon, or the consequences would be fatal.

"I'm fine... But I really shouldn't bother you any longer and -," I said hastily, getting up from the couch.

Unfortunately, I contradicted my words by swaying slightly and having to grab Brendon's shoulder for support.

But I really needed to get out of here.

"Look, you've done more than enough already, and I can't repay you that and my family at home are worried about me if I don't come home soon."

I stared right into Brendon's eyes pleadingly. I wasn't lying. The first part was completely true. The part about my family being worried, not so much. It was the other way around.

We stared at each other for quite a while, and I could see him slowly giving in.

Finally, Brendon sighed and looked away.

"Fine. I'll take you to see your family. But after you do, you're coming back here."

I nodded gratefully.

"There's... um... I don't want to be rude, but..." I trailed of, unsure of how to phrase this.

"Name it and it's yours," Brendon smiled warmly, and wow, when did he get so nice.

"My family always expects me to return with food, and um... as I'm not carrying money on me at the moment, I was wondering if..."

"Diana, wrap him some food he can take home to his family," Brendon ordered and gave me a pat on the shoulder, from which I shied back immediately.

He frowned at me and I avoided his gaze, pretending to examine the floor.

We waited in silence until Diana was done and I smiled gratefully as she handed me the basket.

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