2.1 ◇ Adore You

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Boi i had a wild evening catchig a mouse kitty brought into my room. Named him sisky cuz mouse and heart rate and stuff. Hes so cute i just wanted to cuddle him.

Anyways, the first chapter of pt 2:

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Anyways, the first chapter of pt 2:

It must have been a little more than a year since I had walked out on Brendon, yet I couldn't exactly complain, which didn't make things any easier for me, however fucked up that might sound.

You see, I'd like to hate Brendon, resent him and curse him for ever entering my life, but that was a big, fat lie. I'd be dead if it weren't for him,  and how I lived now exceeded the entire years of life I had on my back added together. He had opened a door to an entire new world and I couldn't deny that.

With Elizabeth's help, or Z, as she likes to be called, I had found a job in a library, because I now had the ability to read. I had discovered a love towards books and spent a lot of time reading, and sometimes even writing. We had become very close ever since The Urie's Dinner Party (™), because I had searched several opera houses and asked for her, until finally finding  the right one.

Jon had been employed by Spencer, who apparently had fired his current helper in order to hire Jon, and we were often invited over to join him at dinner. I realized that there were times when only Jon was invited, and I figured Brendon was with them, but never inquired any further.

It might seem like everything was fine and amazing, but I still managed to cry myself to sleep every night. One year. More than a year. And I still couldn't get his quirky smile out of my head. The way he said my name. I started missing little things, and I hated myself for it.

"Ry?" Jon called and I snapped out of my daydreaming. I did that a lot, daydream.

"In here," I answered, setting down the book I had attempted to read before loosing focus.

"I'm off to work," he smiled and I nodded, waving him off slightly.
Due to the fact that he worked evenings and I mornings, we rarely saw each other for longer than a few hours. But I loved living with him. I didn't think I'd be able to cope with living by myself. Having Jon hear gave me a reassuring feeling that I wasn't alone, and I always had someone to talk to.

I stayed like that for quite some time, listening to the soft noise of the rain softly falling outside. It was late November, and I was sure that the rain would turn into snow soon.

When I couldn't hear it anymore, I dragged myself outside and smiled as I saw ever so soft flakes fall out of the sky and hit the pavement. Venturing further out, I gazed at the white snow slowly beginning to cover up the ugliness of the streets and make them appear clean. That was the wonderful thing about the first snow of the year and I wanted to enjoy it, because in the morning the amount of people and general traffic would have turned the beautiful white into a muddy brown.

But apparently, fate was not yet done with me, for I never did get to enjoy this calm, lovely scene.

I never thought I'd see him again, not like this, but neither did I the first time I saw him. I rubbed my eyes, not sure whether I was hallucinating, but his sobs convinced me that he was infact standing mere feet away from me.

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