16: Strange beginnings...

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*Previously on Silence*

"The radio is dead! Interference from the storm," Raven quickly says.

"Guess we're on our own for this one," Olivia says with a straight face as she looks at Finn convulsing.


"He's stopped, quick help me get him on his side," she ordered as foam was coming out of his mouth.

"Now!" She yelled when they didn't move causing them to jumpstart in action.

"There's fluid in the lungs, not blood... The knife could've had poison- yup definitely poison," Olivia said as she thought of his symptoms.

"Olivia you sterilized everything- I watched you do it," Raven said with a panicky voice.

Olivia looked to where the knife was located. Her brows furrowed as she grabbed the knife and headed upstairs.

"Stay here," she said as she tried going up.


"Olivia, they locked the hatch," Octavia told her as she tried climbing up.

Pounding on the door she yelled for them to open it with a loud and booming voice, causing Miller to quickly open the door for her.

"Get out of my fucking way Miller I am not in the mood for your games!" Octavia yelled as she glared at him.

Quickly walking to Lincoln, Olivia's stare became softer as she stared in his eyes.

"What was on this blade?" She asked him as she held it up so he could see.

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked confusedly.

"He poisoned the blade... All this time, you knew Finn was gonna die no matter what we did... What is it?" She asked tears forming in her eyes as she looked at him, her firm resolve crumbling.

"Please tell me there's an antidote," she asked pleadingly as she looked in his eyes only to see him avoiding her gaze.

"Olivia- he doesn't understand you," Octavia tried to explain.

"I'm willing to bet on my life that he does," she said quietly so that only him and Bellamy could hear.

"The vials," Bellamy says all of a sudden.

"It's gotta be here," He continues as they search through his pack.


"He saved my life!" Octavia tried to argue as Bellamy got ready to torture Lincoln.

"Finn is dying down there! Why can't you see that?" Bellamy questioned incredulously.

"Olivia... you even said it yourself- this isn't who we are..." Octavia said as Bellamy went towards Lincoln, ripping off his shirt.

Olivia gasped as she saw Bellamy whip Lincoln with the metal of a seat belt.

This caused her to quickly kneel in front of him causing Bellamy's attacks to stop.

"Please... Just tell us which one it is," she asked breathlessly as tears were falling from her cheeks as she remembered the torture she had to endure with Craig.

When she got no response she felt Bellamy gently grab her shoulder.

"No!" She yelled in tears as she stayed kneeling in front of him.

《Silence》B. Blake [1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora