8: Lynching does not make one float

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*Previously on Silence*

"J.M. John Murphy. The people have a right to know." Clarke said before attempting to exit again only for Olivia to gently grab her shoulder effectively causing Clarke to turn around and see who the person was.

"You go out there and make a false accusation, you will start a riot. You will start something you cannot even hope to control. It was not Murphy, he threw his knife at a tree last night and never retreived it. Just because the knife belonged to him doesnt mean he did it.

You don't commit a crime with your own weapon Clarke- he may be an arse but he isn't stupid. The only way you'll get someone to say they did it is if they are lying to save another or they feel guilty one is taking the blame for them." Olivia said with a strong voice causing all of them to look at her in shock at the strong English accented voice that came from her.

Never the less Clarke still exited the tent, Olivia following not far behind with her bow at the ready.


As they exited the tent Olivia saw Murphy throw down a cup of water a boy had saying,

"No water until this section is up,"

This caused the boy that had the water thrown away from him to glare menacingly at Murphy.

"What? What are you staring at, huh?" Murphy asked taunting the kid.

It was then and there that Clarke got to him pushing him away and saying,

"You son of a bitch!"

"Woah, whats your problem?" Murphy asked while laughing.

"Recognize this?" Clarke asked with a frown as she pulled out his knife which caused him to look at it in surprise.

"Its my knife, where'd you find it?" Murphy asked reaching for it only for Clarke to quickly move it away.

"Where you dropped it after you killed Wells," she remarked as she glared at him.

Olivia and Charlotte made eye contact and Olivia shook her head meaning for her not to get involved in this.

Charlotte just looked at her afraid.

"Where I what?" He asked in confusion as he looked to Clarke in disbelief.

"The grounders killed Wells, not me," Murphy said trying to prove his innocence.

"I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it," Clarke said angrily as tears collected in her eyes.

"Really?" He asked sarcastically.

"Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" Murphy asked as he looked to him for support.

"You threatened to kill him. We all heard you! You hated Wells," Clarke interrupted before Bellamy could respond.

"Plenty of people hated Wells," Murphy tried to explain as he received the scrutinizing glares from the girl in front of him.

Olivia looked down as she thought about what she might have to do.

Readying herself for what she had planned to do since Charlotte told her of what she had done, she placed an arrow in her bow ready to strike.

She was lost in thought but came to when she heard a boy yell,

"I say we float him," the boy Murphy had urinated on said out of anger.

《Silence》B. Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now