4: Just friends

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*Previously on Silence*

Her frown caused him to take action.

"Hey, wake up," he said as he shook her shoulder causing her to open her eyes and look up to his face.

She quickly shot up causing her head to spin, as soon as she got up she began falling causing Bellamy to quickly grab her and lower her.

"Easy there tiger, rest," he said soothingly as he gently lowered her to the cushions below her.

She frowned in confusion at his actions before her head touched the cushions once more and she was out like a light.

Bellamy got up after making sure she was warm and closed her tent gingerly, not wanting to disturb her or anyone else.


As Olivia was relaxing in her tent she heard a small girl yelling. She quickly ran with her bow out ready to fend off an attacker. She found her a ways off, yelling in her sleep.

She quickly woke her up causing the girl to look up at her embarrassed.

"I- I'm sorry... it was a nightmare," she replied after a bit of silent coaxing coming from the silent woman.

Olivia looked at her sympathetically before opening her arms out to the girl, she rapidly jumped to her needing a hug.

After their silent encounter Olivia brought her to her tent where she saw her weapons and supplies she'd made for herself and anyone that needed it.

She laid her down on the makeshift bed coaxing the small girl to sleep.

"Why don't you speak?" The young girl named Charlotte asked innocently.

Olivia froze as she thought about the torture and pain inflicted on her skin from Craig and a few other guards.

Snapping out of his she quickly pulled off her sweater showing her the scar along her shoulder to her neck.

The little girl gasped before gently touching the mark.

After a bit more of silently showing the girl her marks she began to grow tired.

"You're safe now, Olivia," the little girl said before she fell asleep.

She waited a bit to know that she was fully asleep before getting up and putting her jacket back on.

She looked back at the girl before uttering the first words for what seemed like a decade.

"S- so are you," she whispered hoarsely as she looked down, those words being the beginning of the end to her silent regime.


As she exited her tent she saw another not far from her own, hearing noises of pleasure. She raised a brow ignoring it as she didn't care much of who was in there.

She suddenly heard yelling and footsteps coming toward the camp.

She turned to see Clarke, Finn, Monty and Octavia come towards her direction.

She noticed Finn and Monty pretty much carrying Octavia since she had an injury on her leg.

Bellamy came out of his tent with a woman not trailing too far behind, he quickly put on a shirt before walking over to them.

Olivia put two and two together that Bellamy and the girl were having intercourse.

"Where's the food?" He asked in a deep voice to Clarke.

《Silence》B. Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now