2: Hello Greenery

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*Previously on Silence*

"Her name is Olivia." The blonde girl answered for her.

"Im Finn," he said turning to the blonde.

"Clarke," she replied.

"You're the one that had her father floated," Finn said.

"And you're the one that wasted a month's supply of oxygen on an illegal space walk," Clarke remarked with a frown.

"But it was fun," he said as if it justified his actions.

"You might wanna strap in before the parachutes deploy." Wells said as he felt they were going to descend soon.

And man was he correct.


Wells had been correct, after warnings from Clarke and himself two more had taken off their safety belts.

The ship immediately caused all three to go flying.

Olivia looked to where the other two had landed, both hitting their heads roughly on the wall no doubt killing them both.

Finn had been launched to Clarke and Wells so he seemed to be fine.

Thinking this would be the end she smiled softly as the rest were panicking before her happy expression was soon wiped off.

No matter how much she wanted death not all these children deserved it.

Some yes, but not all.

Her head suddenly slammed into the hard seat causing her vision to blur.

She closed her eyes for a bit and when they opened, the ship had stopped rumbling.

Excited that their travel had come to an end they had all traveled to the first floor except for one, the woman that was tied down in her seat in silence.

She could hear arguing from below before it grew quiet as screams of excitement could be heard. She smiled a bit as they all seemed so happy.


From the outside the man that had been intrigued by the girl was doing nothing more than looking for her.

His brows furrowed as he couldn't find her, he saw his sister Octavia Blake enjoying nature and all of its glory like the rest of the people that were on board.

He went on back on board to see if she was in there, or perhaps even dead. He checked all of the first floor and saw that she wasn't there.

He went to the second floor and saw nothing until he was about to head down; he caught sight of her figure tied down, silently staring at the seat in front of her smiling faintly.

"You okay?" He asked softly as he walked up to her.

He didn't get an answer only a slight nod as she looked at him with her blue eyes that seemed bright and lively, something he missed when he saw her being dragged earlier.

He seemed to get lost in them before he cleared his throat, he looked at her binds and tried pulling them off.

"Whoever tied you up really didn't want you getting out," he commented with a smirk only to have her face become emotionless.

《Silence》B. Blake [1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat