7: Oh Charlotte

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*Previously on Silence*

She rubbed his head soothingly as she knew it would be the last.

"Nothing to kill or die for... A brotherhood of man." She said as she looked to the knife in her hand.

"Imagine all the people... sharing all the world," her hands trembled as his blood was on her hands reminding herself of the torture she had to be put through that seperated him from her.

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one... I hope someday you join us... And the world will live as one." She ended as his breathing stopped and he was left dead.

Looking down at her own body she saw the blood that had gotten on her clothes.

"Olivia, c'mon" Bellamy said softly as he noticed her unmoving form.

Everyone that was still there looked at the girl sympathetically...

The woman that never speaks sang for her old childhood friend as he was dying.


It was night by the time they had returned back from camp, and Olivia wanted to do nothing but go to her tent to rest.

Looking at her clothes, she noticed they were bloody so she took a detour.

Walking out of camp she saw Murphy throw his knife out of anger to a tree making it stick.

Not grabbing it, he left fuming as Olivia just stared in confusion.

She didn't stick around much longer- not wanting to be followed by anyone.


She hadn't returned to her tent for the night, instead she headed off in the direction of the lake she had seen earlier before.

It was dawn by the time she made it to the lake and she was more than tired of everything. Washing her clothes, she set them to dry before fully diving in.

Diving underwater for a bit she could see the little fishes that swam by her, trying not to get in her way. She fully cleansed her body so no blood, dirt or grime was left.

The freckles that lined all over her face and body were now prominent features on her skin.

Looking at her left hand she saw it only had blistered a bit, nothing that couldn't go away with time. She smiled at this, her hands would be safe and perfect unlike the rest of her body.

As she washed her hair she didn't notice the stares she was getting from all around her.

It wasn't until she heard a branch break that she knew she wasn't alone. Turning around she saw Charlotte looking terrified for she knew it wasn't herself that stepped on the branch.

Olivia crouched down in the water so that the young girl wouldn't have to see her body parts and markings she tried to keep hidden.

"I- I heard something," Charlotte said at the edge of the water.

Olivia frowned as she saw her tear ridden face and slightly bloody fingers. She pointed to her hands in question.

"I... I did something bad Olivia..." she said crying.

Olivia frowned and quickly got up and out of the water heading towards her now dry clothes.

In silence she coaxed her to tell her what she had done.

《Silence》B. Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now