15: Knives are the new apples...

Start from the beginning

"I'll be with you in a bit Bellamy," She replies quickly.

"How did you do all that Olivia? I mean keep up with it all in your head?" Clarke asks incredulously as she furrows her brows.

"You look at what's changed... Then base your plan of action on those changes," she said quickly as she wiped her hands on her pants.

"Can I leave you to stitch this up?" Olivia asks Clarke with a smile.

"I got this you just go up and see what he wants," Clarke responds.

"There something going on between the two?" Raven ask with a smirk.

"I think so but she's got a dark past... Silent woman and all," Clarke says out of earshot.

"Wait- that's the silent woman??" Raven asks with wide eyes as she watches her slowly climb the ladder.

"Yeah... She's not so silent anymore down here," Clarke says with a smile.


"Get out of my way," Olivia says coldly to the boy staring her up and down.

"Let her through," Bellamy says looking up at her.

"This look familiar?" He says as he holds out a vial from the grounders pack.

"A vial," she asked with a raised brow, "what's the problem?"

"Why do you have some just like it?" He asked with a frustrated look on his face.

"He gave them to me," she said not backing down from his harsh gaze.

"What do you mean he gave them to you?" He asked with his brows furrowed.

"He saved my life... He spared me and gave me those vials a while back. They help people," Olivia says with her arms crossed.

"So you knew about him and didn't bother sharing this info? His people killed our people! He's the bad guy here Olivia!" He yelled out in anger clenching his fists.

"He isn't like his people! He could've killed me first chance he got, instead he wanted to help me. He could've killed Octavia and I but he spared us- fixed my head and all you have to say about him is what his people have done?" She questioned in anger as she began to feel light headed.

Turning around and holding her head she tried blocking him out.

"We're not done with this conversation Olivia," he says sternly as he notices her beginning to ignore him.

"I couldn't tell you even if I wanted Bellamy..." She says quietly as she runs her temples.

"What are you talking about?" He asks in a softer tone.

"I was still the silent woman... I didn't speak. The day he came to me I silently begged him for death and he wouldn't give it to me." She says as she lets tears fall down her eyes.

Away from Bellamy's line of sight.

The room remains silent until she breaks it.

"This is wrong Bellamy... How long do we have until his people begin to notice that he's gone... That he's here with us?" She asks as she turns to see his troubled gaze.

"What's gonna happen to us when they realize that we took him and tied him up?" She asked as her head began feeling faint once more.

"Relax Olive, no one saw us take him," he said as he looked at her with concern as he noticed her tears and change in demeanor.

"He was chained up in the cave we found you in the entire time, and thanks to that storm- we didn't see a soul on the way back," he tries to reassure the blonde as she looks away in thought slightly biting her lip.

Before Olivia could respond another thud made the drop ship rumble as the storm waged outside.

"In case you didn't catch what I said before, his people are already killing us," Bellamy says pulling out a book and showing her the picture of the camp with the tallies and ten crossed out.

"How many more of our people need to die before you realize we're fighting a war?" Bellamy asks her as she looks up at him with furrowed brows.

"We're not soldiers, Bellamy. Look at him. We can't win... They're just children Bellamy," she says looking up at him with a tired face.

"You're children," Bellamy says with a raised brow.

"I'm 21 in a few days Bellamy," she says causing his eyes to widen.

"That doesn't matter right now. But you're right. We can't win. If we don't fight." Bellamy says as he looks down at her getting extremely close.

"Olivia! He's seizing!" They hear Clarke yell causing Olivia's eyes to widen.

"I gotta go. Don't hurt him Bell... please," she whispered as she looked at him before quickly turning away not giving him a chance to respond.


"I've only seen this a couple times before... Get Abby on the radio now!" Olivia quickly yells to Raven as she tried to explain what happened.

"The radio is dead! Interference from the storm," Raven quickly says.

"Guess we're on our own for this one," Olivia says with a straight face as she looks at Finn convulsing.


"He's stopped, quick help me get him on his side," she ordered as foam was coming out of his mouth.

"Now!" She yelled when they didn't move causing them to jumpstart in action.

"There's fluid in the lungs, not blood... The knife could've had poison- yup definitely poison," Olivia said as she thought of his symptoms.

"Olivia you sterilized everything- I watched you do it," Raven said with a panicky voice.

Olivia looked to where the knife was located. Her brows furrowed as she grabbed the knife and headed upstairs.

"Stay here," she said as she tried going up.


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