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"What's this about?" I asked trying to not fall, even though Austin was helping.

He chuckled quietly.

"You told me that if I really wanted to be with you, that I needed to prove it to you," He said in almost a whisper.

"And you chose to prove it at 3 am?" I asked with a smile.

"It would seem so," I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Can I take the blindfold off yet?" I asked slightly impatiently.

I really didn't like to walk while blindfolded. I know Austin won't let me fall, but I still feel like I will.

"No," He said simply, but I could still hear the smile.

I stepped into what I think is a gopher hole and almost fell forward, but Austin caught me.

"Are you OK?" He asked.

I was laughing.

"I'm fine, but can I take it off now?" I asked still slightly laughing.

"Actually, yeah," He said stopping.

He released my hand and moved his hand from the small of my back and slowly untied the blindfold.

I heard him take a nervous deep breath and he move the cloth from my eyes.

I gasped at the sight before me. The beautiful, magical sight before me.

In front of me was a small oak tree, candles in mason jars hanging down from the branches above. They were just high enough so that neither of us would hit them. There were more candles in mason jars sitting on the ground.

At the base of the oak was one of those old boomboxes.

It looked like something from a fairytale.

"Its gorgeous," I breathed out in awe.

I self consciously noticed Austin come up beside me.

He grabbed my hand and slowly led me underneath the oak.

It was slightly warmer here from the candles.

He turned the boombox on and soft music came through.

It was a song that you would slow dance to, but you could be silly during.

"You did this all for me?" I asked looking into his beautiful hazel eyes

He pulled me close, but made sure he could still look me in the eyes.

We went slowly in a circle, swaying slightly.

"You said you liked clichés," He said with that half smile that I love.

"I'm a sucker for them," I said smiling and looking down at our feet.

"Well I would say I get an A+ for hitting that cliché over the head," He said with a chuckle.

I laughed.

"You definitely get an A+," I said.

He grinned.

"And if everything go according to plan then I'm going to hit that cliché out of the park," He said.

"Oh, and what would be the rest of the plan?" I asked.

"Its a secret," He said.

"That's just rude," I said with a smile.

He laughed.

"I know that this is probably the last thing that's on your mind right now, but its probably the one thing that you need tight now," He said. "I'm probably the one thing you need right now. I know you have AC and your parents and Cara, but maybe you need just that one more person who can help you?"  He phrased it as a question.

"Austin, I want you to know that you are important to me."

Before I could say anything else I felt a drop of water fall on my cheek.

For a second I though I was crying and it was a tear, but then I felt another drop fall on my hand, and one landed on the Austin's cheek.

I looked up to see dark clouds rolling in.

Rain clouds.

"Its going to pour," I said trying to get away.

Austin chuckled and grabbed my hand, pulling me into his chest.

"And that would be the rest of my plan," He said grinning.

I looked in his eyes.

"Wow, you really thought this through," I said.

"When I said I wanted to do this, I really meant it," He said. "I really think it'll work out."

Neither of us could say anything more cause the rain suddenly just poured down on us.

He turned the boombox up-which was protected by the rain from the thick leaves of the oak-and he started dancing around.

It was silly and fun, and we were laughing the whole time.

I have no idea how long we danced and laughed in the rain, but the rain finally stopped.

When it stopped we were just swaying back in forth slowly. My cheek resting on his chest, Austins head rested against mine.

When the rain stopped I pulled back, just enough to see his face.

We stood there for a moment, just staring at each other.

He didn't see me as the little girl he grew up with, he didn't see me as a friend or a best friend, he saw me as something else, something more than that.

"I think I should get you home," He said quietly.

I nodded slightly, still lost in his eyes.

He grabbed my hand and started to lead me out of the park, but stopped.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I just have to ask you: will you...will you please go out with me?" He asked.

I grinned.

"What?" He asked when I didn't say anything.

He looked worried.

"Yes," I said finally.

Sorry that I uploaded this pretty late, but I did promise that I would upload it today so TAA DAA! :D

I bet some, if not most, of you have noticed that Cara has not come in since Riley has been found. Well there is a reason for it, and she will be coming in super soon-as in the next chapter...I think.

Please tell me what you think!!

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