How They're Doing

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I have decided to make this the last chapter in other people POV.

I am seriously getting bored of my own chapter, but they're just fillers, so I have to have them...well I don't have to, but I need them.


~Austin's POV~

I drove around checking on the Missing fliers I had made.

A few of them fell down or they were no longer eligible, so I put up new ones.

I was at one of Riley's favorite places to hang out-the skate park.

I had just finished putting up the replacement flier and I stood there for a moment, staring the picture of Riley I had chosen.

It had been a picture of her and everyone she loves the most, and I just cropped everyone else out.

Riley was just in a plain T-shirt and jeans, her hair was down, and she had a happy smile. It was the kind of smile that reached her eyes.

A smile pulled at the corners of my lips at the thought of her, then I remembered why I was even putting these up and a frown appeared on my lips.

Someone took her away from the ones she loves, away from the ones that love her, away from me, I thought quietly to myself.

I walked quickly back to my car and did what I usually did if I was driving around.

I looked for Riley.

I knew I wouldn't find her, but there could be that one time that I don't go look for her, then she could be found.

I would never be able to forgive myself for not even trying.

~Cara's POV~

I haven't left my house since Riley was kidnapped.

I've barely eaten, barely slept, I couldn't do anything.

Alex would come over from time to time, a few times with Sarah-who I've known as long as Riley's known her.

They tried to comfort me, but it didn't work.

Its all my fault, I told myself.

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