Win By Default?

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The rest of the week went by pretty fast.

Nothing else dramatic happened since Sissy wasn't here.

Only thing that really happened was that the next day-Tuesday-I was stared at since almost everyone saw the fight, and that Sissy's minions came and gave me a "warning."

I didn't really listen to them-like always-and just walked away from them.

Now it was Friday and I was standing in front of a microphone waiting for everyone to quiet down and Mrs. Delco to motion for me to start.

It was the second to last assembly we would have before school ends for summer, and I was above to sing Light Up The Sky like I did in class on Monday.

It got quiet, Mrs. Delco motioned at me to start, so I did.

I sang just like I did in class and choir did the same they did in class too.

When I got to the one part of the song where I belt out a note, everyone hollered.

When the song was done I was out if breath and everyone gave us a standing ovation.

I would say 'gave me' a standing ovation but I'm not vain and I wasn't the only one singing.

The smile on my lips wasn't forced, and it didn't disappear as I went up on the small bleachers choir used.

I stood in my spot and sang with the rest of the choir for the rest of the songs.

When the assembly was over, so was school-we have assembly's after our classes which are shorter.

I had to go to soccer practice before the game today-even though I couldn't play.

As I walked through the hall with everyone else who wanted to leave.

I waited by the girls locker room for Alex.

As people walked past they told me that I had a good voice and stuff like that.

I just smiled honestly and said 'thanks,' to everyone who did.

Finally Alex appeared.

"Good job," He said. "You totally forgot everyone was there after you started singing."

"Thankfully," I said smiling.

"It'll get easier the more you do it," He said.

"Who says I'm doing it anymore?" I asked putting my hands on hips.

He grinned.

"I'll seen you at your game," He said.

"You don't have to come, I won't be playing," I said.

"I'm still coming, and I think Austin is coming to," He said.

Austin always comes to my games as long as he isn't busy, and I like having people there to support me since mom and dad are always at work during a game.

I think they've been to three games all season.

"What's the point? I won't be plating," I argued.

"We're coming," Alex said starting to walk away.

"Wait!" I said.

He turned around.

"Take my bag please?" I asked.

He groaned.

"Its not like you walked," I said laughing.

"I know I'm just messing," He said taking my bag. "Are you sure you don't need it?"

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