Mystic Falls High

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I sighed as I got up from the desk and walked towards the door
exiting my English class.

Wow this is a terribly long day

Reaching my locker, I pulled out my French textbook and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bonnie and Caroline walk towards me.

"Hey Girls! How was your class??"

"It was good except for the fact that Mr. Webber won't shut up about telling us to focus on our studies more and not our social life." Caroline said faking a bored look making Bonnie chuckle.

"Well Mr. Webber is an oldie. Leave him be Care." I replied, giggling.

"Hey Elena. Do you wanna hangout today? It'll be fun." Bonnie said grinning.

"Umm I think I'd like to be alone today you know. Just sit outside and write my journal??"I say.

"Yeah of course! But if you need anything just call okay?"

"Of Course BonBon"

After the last class I slowly walked towards the parking lot and after finally reaching my car I threw my stuff in the backseat and drove off.

Rolling the windows down, I could feel the cool wind on my face.

It was a beautiful day in Mystic Falls. The kind of day Mystic Falls was famous for.

I switched on the radio and I here my favorite song playing. Excited, I start singing, more specifically shouting the lyrics and earn looks from the cars that passed by.

I laugh to myself.


I continue my Carpool Jam Sessions until I finally reach home.

I honk, pulling into the driveway indicating to my parents that I'm home.

"Hey Mom! Hey Dad!" I yell, entering through the door and seeing my parents sat at the dining table having some coffee.

"Hey sweetie! How was school today?"  Mom inquired, smiling.

"Yeah it was okay. But pretty exhausting!" I reply, feigning a yawn to show how tired I was.

"Hey Mom? I'm going to the Mystic Grill to just hangout by myself. I'll see you in a bit?"

"You Bet."  Mom and Dad reply at the same time making me giggle.

*At The Mystic Grill*

"Hey Trevor. Can I get a Cappuccino please?"

"You got it" Trevor replied smirking.

"Thank You, Trevor"

Seated at a table outside the grill, I open up my journal and start writing........................

"Dear Diary,

                  Today was exhausting. It was possibly the longest day I've ever had. Care and BonBon asked if we could hangout today but I couldn't do it. I needed some time to myself. "

God! What is happening to me. What am I writing?! Have I forgotten how to write?! Jeez.

I tore off the page in frustration and place it under a salt sprinkler.

Suddenly a strong wind blew and off went that terrible piece of paper.

I gasped and ran after it, ready to catch it, until I saw someone pick up the paper.

A guy.

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