Tickle Fight

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"Stupid!" Moana stomped to the beach, angrily throwing her flower crown into the sand, "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" She ripped off her jewelry (except for the necklace Grandma Tala gave her, of course) and buried it in the sand with the crown. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks like tiny streams, leaving stain marks on her red skirt. She slumped slowly to the ground, digging her toes in the hot white sand.

The heavy tears and muffled whimper turned into a full on sob. She covered her mouth to prevent crying even more, yet her hand was so shaky it just got sand in her mouth and nose. Moana's bottom lip quivered and she scooted closer to the water. She ran her hand through it and sniffled, stuffing her nose. Her blood-shot eyes rimmed with tears gazed longingly at the crystal sheet of water lapping onto the shore.

Moana could have stayed there all day, the sand and water her only companion. Until she heard the stomp of  a large man coming down the trail.

"Moana!" Maui burst through the palm leaves and sighed. He saw Mo wrapped into a tiny ball, clutching her knees and running her left hand over the water. He quietly (or as quietly as he can) made his way down to where she was sitting. He sat cross-crossed and traced his name in the sand, only for it to be erased by the waves.

"Sorry a-about back there," Moana said after a few minutes of silence. She kept staring into the water. Maui looked at her, shocked she finally spoke.

"Uh... it's fine. I would've done the same," Maui  reassured her. Moana tucked her he's into her knees.

Today was suppose to be one of the biggest days of her life. Her coronation. She wasn't going to be the chief's daughter, she was gonna be Chief Moana of Moto'nui. She had dreamed of that moment since she was a small child, but she broke down before the ceremony. She saw how the chieftain's daughter (and also the heir) had to get a tattoo up her thigh, signifying her importance in the village. After watching many of her childhood friends scream out in pain and grip the floor while only a triangle was being placed on them, it made her nauseous to think about. Also, she had 1,000 people and 500 children now looking toward her for supplies, peace, and safe travels on voyages. That took a toll on her.

The two sat in silence. Each of them waited for the other to break the ice and say something, but neither of them wanted to do it.

"D'ya know what I do when I'm sad?" Maui smiled. Moana finally looked up at him.


"I like to laugh," Maui said, "I know this sounds dumb, but the thing I remember about my mom is her laugh. There was something so deceiving about it. She sounded like her life was perfect and had everything in control, but it also made you feel as if she was having a breakdown. Yeah, I, I know. Stupid, just..."

"No, Maui," Moana said, unclenching her knees and letting her toes dance in the water. "That seems... nice. I like that." Maui nodded. He's never been this sentimental before, especially to Moana.  "Just how are you gonna get me to laugh?"

Maui smiled devilishly  and reached a hand out .

"Maui..." Moana warned. He tickled her on the stomach and she let out a loud giggle. "Stop! I am Chief- well, almost- Chief of Moto'nui! I demand you to- s, s, stop.." she burst into a fit of laughing and Maui joined in. Moana brushed a tear from her eye. She looked up and pounced on the big guy, tickling him. It took a lot to break Maui, yet he couldn't help erupting in a fit of giggles.

Moana finished tickling him. She laid her head on his chest and felt his heartbeat going faster. She realized hers was going the same pace. Her face turned red and she turned to face Maui. His cheeks where a dull pink and he smiled goofily. Moana rolled off his stomach and onto the sand.

Moana moved her arms up and down, and her legs side to side, creating an angel. Maui followed her lead and the two made two perfect angels. Moana smiled proudly and turned to face Maui. Maui huffed when he saw his sand angel turned out to be just a circle, yet didn't complain since he knew Mo was in a good mood.

He turned and faced her, around eight inches in between their faces.

He looked into her eyes. How could he not have noticed how beautiful they where? Deep-set brown with gold specks that melted you like fire. Her tangled mess of a hair distorted with sand and salt never seemed more majestic. How could he not have noticed that he loved her?

Maybe deep down he knew, and he knew since she turned 20. He thought it was super creepy, but now that she was 25, the honorable age, he finally realized something: he was madly in love with this woman.

He scooted up closer and Moana stared into his eyes. Soon they where merely centimeters apart, with only the sound of their breaths and the sound of the waves in the air.

He figured out what he always wanted to do: kiss Moana.

So he did.

A/N: Ggahhh! I haven't written fluff of these two in forever! Enjoy!

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