Half Blood <part 5>

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A/N: Wattpad keeps screwing up my titles. Or is that just me?

"So Halia, who's that?" Tama was leading the siblings while they sailed on the boat. Halia was chatting with the old friend as Aika was working on the steering.

"My brother," she replied as she bit into a banana.

"Ah! Maui man had another child. With whom?" Tama asked.

"Moana," she stated. Tamatoa bursted into laughter.

"Oh! That little human? The one I sang to? Ah, she's nothing like your mother. She was just skin and bones. Ugh," Tamatoa laughed. Halia glared and Aika stood up angrily.

"Hey! My mother is the strongest, most powerful woman you will ever meet! Far better than you!" Aika yelled in his mother's defense. Tama laughed.

"Okay, kid. Chill," he sighed, "speaking of which, we're here." Aika turned and saw nothing. "Ah, not to Te Fiti. Just on track now."

Aika rolled his eyes.

"Really? You couldn't just take us to Te Fiti? How lazy," Aika grumbled. Halia slapped him on the arm.

"What my brother MEANS to say is thank you," Halia smiles at Tamatoa, "Thanks uncle Tama." Tamatoa nods and smiles.

"You're welcome, Shrimp. And for you..." he points a claw at Aika, "I'll call you Algae. It brings back memories." Tamatoa waved off and sunk down into the depths.

"He really is a nice guy, er, crab," Halia admitted, "You gotta really get to know him, though." Aika huffed and sat down.

"Yeah, whatever."

Halia sat uncomfortably at the edge of the ship. The evening started faded into night as the constellations where now visible. Aika steered the pulley in the right direction before sitting next to Halia. It was a clear night, no rough waves, no dark clouds, just the sky and stars.

"Hey," Halia said as Aika slid next to her. He dangled his feet in the water.

"Hey," he responded. He leaned back and put his arms under his head, relaxing his whole body, "I got an idea. Since we're siblings, we should get to know each other. Personally."

"Really?" Halia asked, raising an eyebrow, "You just discovered I was your sibling four days ago." Aika nodded and stretched, sitting back up.

"But we'll be spending more than four days together," Aika joked, punching her arm, "eternity, mind you."

"Oh, joy," Halia said sarcastically and the siblings laughed. Aika sighed and smiled at her.

"But seriously, though," he said, "Let's just swap facts about each other." Halia sighed.

"Whatever, baby," she taunted. "Lets start with favorites."

"Nooo," Aika whined, "That's no fun." Halia sighed angrily.

"Then what?"

"Um... our parents," Aika almosted regretted saying it, "Maui. Why does he love you so much and forget about me?" Halia sat there, obviously uncomfortable.

"Well.... I don't know," she said.

"Yes you do."

"Hmm..." she rubbed her arm, and Aika noticed a tattoo on the top of her hand, "I guess he spent a lot of time with me because I was his only kid."

"But I exist too," Aika stated. Halia sighed. She ran her hand through her black unruly hair.

"Fine, Aika. You want me to tell you the truth? I have no mom, all right?" She snapped. Aika looked at her with a sad expression.

"You wanna talk not about that?" Aika asked.

"No!" She yelled, "I-I don't know. I've been holding it in for eons. I'm practically losing my mind."

"Then tell me!" Aika said. Halia gave him an angry expression.


"Fine!" Aika yelled back. He turned to tie some ropes to make sure they where heading in the right direction. They sat in silence for what seemed like hours.

"You want me to tell you? I'll tell you," Halia sighed, "My mother, well, I never knew her. She died giving birth to me. Her name was Hina. The reason I have so much memories with Maui is that he raised me. When I turned fifteen he...."


Halia nodded her head sadly, and Aika felt sadness for her. She only had a few memories to cling onto. Just like him.

"I think," Halia smiled, "I think Maui brought me to you for a reason. Not a chance encounter."

Aika smiled.

"I guess I am pretty lucky to have a mom," he stated. Halia nodded her head, then her face turned serious.

"Wait... You're mother survived?" Halia asked. Aika gave her a questioning glance and raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh... yeah?"

"So, she made it after giving birth?" Halia paced the floor, "and, and you where able to control the water.. well, the water spoke to you?" Aika nodded. "No, no, no, no...." she mumbled.

"What?" Aika asked nervously.

"Only demigoddesses can survive a birth of a half blood," Halia stated, "I think, I think your mother...."

"Might be a demigoddess," Aika finished. The siblings looked at each other with awestruck stares.


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