Unexpected (part 2)

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Moana stared off into the distance, her mind racing.

"E-excuse me?" She mumbled, "I-I'm having a hard time understanding what you just said." Alani gave her a sassy glare.

"You know what I said. You just don't want to face the truth," Alani stated. Moana nodded and sighed. She and Maui never even mentioned the thought of children. Sure, Maui enjoyed telling his stories to the village toddlers, and she taught them hula dances. But, she didn't think they where both emotionally prepared for this.

She just finished mourning the death of her father a year ago, and Maui never met his parents. He basically never had one parental guidance, no person to love him like Moana had. She didn't think they where... ready.

"Well, are you going to go tell him?" Alani asked. Moana nodded and left the tent. She went out, draining the worry from her face. She saw Maui come over to her and lightly kiss her forehead.

"How was it?" He asked, running his hand through her hair.

"Fine," she replied. She sighed and tried not to look worried.

"So, what's the matter with you?" He asked, "I mean, not wrong with you, like, as a person, I mean-" Moana giggled and interrupted him by putting her finger to his mouth.

"I understand. It's just... I have a stomach flu. That's all," Moana smiled, "Nothing to worry about." Maui sighed and hugged her.

"Any herbs or oils you gotta take?" He asked. Moana smiled.

"Yeah. I'll get them from Alani," Moana lied. She felt a pang in her chest telling her she's wrong. Maui kissed her cheek and shape shifted back into an eagle and flew back to guid the canoe.

Moana returned to her regular duties that day. Help navigating, making food, teaching children. At night her and Maui usually switch positions. He sleeps one night, she sleeps the next, and sometimes they sleep together while another head voyager steers. Tonight was her turn, yet Maui refused.

"Ah, ah, ah, nope," Maui blocked her path when she was heading to the steers. "You need your sleep." Moana rolled her eyes and tried to pass him. He stepped over again, blocking her way.

"Maui! I'm fine!" Moana retorted, feeling herself get angrier and angrier. Maui shook his head.

"Nope. Go get your beauty sleep, princess," Maui winked. Moana crossed her arms and stomped off. She went to the far side of the canoe, her toes touching the tip of the water. She tried to lay down on her tapa and go to bed, yet she couldn't. Her mind was racing and she felt tears come to her eyes.

She walked over to the bow and sat down again, running her hand through the cold water.

"Ocean?" She asked, hoping for a response,"I don't know what to do. I'm so lost." Moana let a tear roll down her face and she held her head in her hands. She saw a glowing light in front of her, expecting it to be the ocean listening.

Instead, she saw her grandmother.

"Grandma?" She said, wiping a tear and running into her arms. Tala held her close and ran her fingers through Moana's long, chestnut hair. Moana sobbed into her shoulder. The went apart, Grandma Tala holding her hand on Moana's cheek.

"My dear girl, why are you so upset?" Grandma asked. Moana choked up her tears and steadied herself.

"I-I'm pregnant," Moana said, a tear rolling down her cheek. Grandma Tala lit up.

"Pregnant? Than why are you crying? This child is a blessing," Tala said, holding her granddaughters hands. Moana sighed and wiped her tears.

"I'm crying because, because, I don't... think Maui wants this. I don't think he ever wanted this," Moana felt shivers up her back, and she shook from sadness and being cold, "And, what if, what if he leaves me?" Tala sighed and pulled Moana in for another hug.

"Leave you?" Tala laughed, "Why would Maui leave a girl who saved the world? A girl who took him off that dreaded island made of rocks? Why would he leave a girl who gave her own life so he would not be harmed by Inu?" Moana smiled.

"I just don't know what to tell him," Moana sighed. Tala nodded.

"Well, my dear, that's up to you. But I wouldn't wait long. Listen to what your heart tells you. And don't lose sight of what's important," Tala smiled, placing her hand on Moana's stomach. Moana looked up and smiled at her grandmother, and hugged her before she faded away in her arms. Moana stepped back, and layer back down on her tapa and fell asleep.


Moana woke up late the next morning. Just the side effects of being pregnant, Moana thought. Then she smiled and rubbed her abdomen. There was a little person in there, a mix of her and Maui. She smiled and felt a tear in the corner of her eye. A tear of happiness.

I have to tell Maui, she said. She walked up to the front of the boat where Maui was flying in eagle form. He looked down and smiled at his wife. He flew down and went to human form and kissed her.

"Oops! I forgot!" He said, pulling away, "I forgot you where sick! Sorry!" Moana smiled at her flushed love. Then she remembered and bit her lip.

"About that..." She sighed, "I need to tell you something." Maui nodded, confused. Moana held her hand and lead him to the far part of the boat, where she was last night.

"You might want to sit down for this," Moana said. Maui looked confused but sat down anyway.

"Before I start, I just want to say I love you no matter what, and I believe in you," Moana felt a tear coming on, but Maui just looked worried and confused, "Maui, I, I, I'm pregnant. No stomach bug."

Maui looked shocked and looked to the ground. He sighed and stood up.

"Maui, please talk to me, tell me how you feel," Moana sighed, a tear rolling down her face. Maui just sighed and stared at the ground, "Please Maui. Please talk to me. Please." Maui looked up and saw her yet streaked face. He sighed and walked close to her.

He wrapped her in a hug.

"Sure this isn't something we wanted so soon, but this kid isn't a mistake. And neither are you Moana. We can get through this together. Plus, he or she is going to be awesome," Maui smiled. Moana sighed and held on tighter to him. He leaned down and kissed her stomach.

"I love you Maui," she sighed. He looked up and smiled.

"I love you too, Moana," Maui said, and they kissed.

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