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Hello friends! ~💗
First off I'd like to thank the immense support on my one shots and fanfics including the Moaui pairing. You guys are amazing!
Second off, there will be a BIG change with the one shots. I usually post one every day or every other day. Yet I started a new fanfic called: "thank you" which conveys Maui and Moana eloping for the sake of Mo having an heir. Ursula, the sea witch, notices Moana becomes depressed after baring a son so she has her eels come to lure her to her lair. She turns Moana into a mermaid so she can do what she loves: explore the vast sea. The catch is she has to do three major helping acts to Atlantis and she has to steal the ocean god's, Tangaroa, powers. If she doesn't, she'll be a mermaid forever and won't be able to return to her husband and son.
Ya so it's a super new fanfic that I thought up and has been torturing me for days so I decided to write it.

How does this effect the one shots? Well, there won't be a lot of them. Maybe one a week. Anywho that's all I wanted to say.

Peace out ✌️

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