Unexpected (part 1)

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•this one is set after my fan fic 'Stars Align', if you wanna read it that's great, but you don't have to. This one just makes a ton of references to it and characters I added. It may be confusing for some•

Moana has been married to Maui for over ten years. Ever since they saved her island once more, they've been set on many other quests. Monsters, a few times back to Te Fiti for random things the gods asked of them.

She and her people loved voyaging with their new chief and her demigod husband. Maui, demigod of the wind and sea, lead them to safe islands for breaks. Moana, demigoddess of way finding, lead them perfectly, and their time on sea wasn't as confusing as the people thought .

On one of their voyages, Moana was teaching a group of little girls how to put their hands in water to navigate. She left the group of giggling girls when she felt something stir in her stomach. It felt weird, and she felt puke rising. She put her hand to her mouth and ran to the side of the boat. She barfed and wiped her mouth. She looked up to see all the people on the main ship staring at her.

"Chief, are you alright?" A man asked. Her face turned red. They're not suppose to see me like this, she thought. She stood up and nodded.

"Would you like me to get Maui?" a woman asked, putting her hand on Moana's shoulder.

"No, thank you," Moana smiled, "return to your duties. I'll be fine." The people nodded unassuringly and continued. Moana felt the weird feeling in her stomach again and barfed again.

"Are you sure you're alright?" she noticed a girl, around thirteen, was still watching her. Moana turned around and glanced at the girl.

"I-I'm fine," Moana stood up and brushed off her red chief skirt. The girl raised her eyebrow.

"I hate to be rude, Cheif," the girl said, leaning on a bow of the ship, "but I think you aren't alright." Moana sighed. This girl was just like her- stubborn and persistent.

"I said I'm fine," Moana was cut short and leaned back to barf. The girl came over and lifted her hair so it didn't get in the way. Moana looked up and thanked her.

"I'll go get Maui," the girl smirked and walked off. Moana crossed her arms and stomped her foot. There was no need to get Maui. She was fine. She then heard an eagle swoop down. She turned to see Maui shift into human form.

"Are you okay?" He asked, putting his hands on her shoulders. She blushed and looked down.

"Yeah, yeah it's no big deal. I bet it's just a stomach bug or something," Moana said. Maui glanced at her curiously. Moana felt herself gag again and lean down to barf. Maui held her hair up this time.

"Maybe we should get to the healer," Maui said. Moana nodded and Maui rubbed her back as they walked to a little teepee where the healer was. An elderly woman named Alani was in there. She smiled at the demigod and goddess.

"What's wrong, Cheif?" Alani said. Moana entered the tent. Maui tried to, yet it was too big and he had to wait outside.

"Sorry, I'll just wait outside and see if they need me," Maui said sheepishly. Moana kissed him lightly and he left.

"So, what's wrong?" Alani asked. Moana explained how she was experiencing pain in her stomach and how she puked. Alani had a knowing full look on her face, and she asked Moana to lay down. She felt and pressed on her stomach. Alani sighed and sat up.

"How have you been feeling this past month?" Alani asked again. Moana thought.

"Well, I've been having wierd tastes for things. Like, I asked Maui for fish with chocolate on top. Or cheese and sea weed. Also I've been having migraines," Moana explained. Alani nodded and sighed.

"You may want to brace yourself for this one," Alani stated. Moana looked confused, "Cheif, you're pregnant."

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