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<Some Overprotective Big Brother!Maui. Kinda like a brother and sister relationship like the movie ❤️ Also, shippers, prepare you're feels for the last ending. YOU'LL DIE I SWEAR. I got the idea from a tumblr called Ukinami? Something like that? Idk, but she does AMAZING MauixMoana comics. Anywho, enjoy!>

"Maui! MAUI!" Moana screamed at the top of her lungs at the hawk on top of the palm tree. Gods he never listens! She thought.

"Nuh-uh, curly. No way," Maui shook his head and perched himself on a different tree. Moana rolled her eyes and started kicking the tree. It barely shook, and Maui was still sitting up there all high-and-mighty. She sighed and wrapped her arms around the tree. She forcefully shook it, causing nothing but a coconut to fall. It hit a rock and split open, the sweet water dripping everywhere.

"Nice. Real nice Maui. Look what you made me do!" Moana pointed to the cracked coconut, "You made me kill a coconut. One of the harvesters could have drunk that!" Maui rolled his eyes.

"Oh no," he said sarcastically, "You're whole village is going to starve. How will I carry this burden on my shoulders for the rest of eternity?" Moana kicked the tree once more then gave up, sighing and leaning back on the trunk.

"Listen Maui, I know you don't want to do this. I don't either! But it's my duty as a soon-to-be chief to pick a suitable husband so I can have an heir. It's the circle of life!" She tried it pursued the stubborn demigod to help her choose one of the suitors.

"It just doesn't feel right," Maui shifted into a gecko and swiftly ran down the trunk. Moana picked him up in her palms and set him on her knee. "I mean, come on curly, you're still so young." Moana gave a half frown and sighed.

"I know you feel that way Maui but twenty five years old is not young. My father was married to my mother at only twenty. They've been lenient enough to let me wait out five more years. You can't expect me to marry when I'm forty, do you?"

Maui jumped off Moana's knee and onto the grass where he shifted back into his human form. He leaned against tree trunk of the tree with her.

"You're still young in my book," Maui grumbled.

"Maui, your a thousand years old. Everyone is young to you," Moana stated. Maui sighed and got up.

"Fine. Fine! You win this time, curly. But next time, I'm going to be extra stubborn," Maui crossed his arms. Moana rolled her eyes.

"Yeah right," she smiled as they walked off the storytelling hut, "You said that last time." Maui mumbled something under his breath as they made their way down the hill the the hut. Moana walked in first, then Maui. About thirteen men where lined up, each of them representing their fathers job. There was the crafters son, fishermans son, harvester, lead voyager, and more. Near the corner was her parents. Her father raised an eyebrow when Maui walked in behind Mo.

Sina, being the loving and caring person she was, had become accustomed to Maui visiting and staying for days (sometimes weeks) in the village. She got to know him and became like the mother he never had. She called him her tama whāngai, which means "adopted son."

Sina ran up and hugged Maui, and Maui embraced her.

"I'm so glad you decided to join us!" Sina exclaimed, "You are family after all." Tui crossed his arms.

"Well, isn't our family like, the three of us?" Tui snapped. Sina and Moana shot him hateful glares and Sina slapped his arm.

"Hush Tui. He is just as much of our ohana as Moana," Sina stated. Tui winced sheepishly at getting mouthed off by his wife. Sina turned to the men lined up like nothing happened.

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