You Came Back... (part 2)

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"What the- why, Moana?" Maui held his hands to his sore cheek, yet Moana didn't feel any sympathy for the demigod.

"That's what you get for leaving me for ten years!" Moana screamed. Maui stood up from slouching and gave her sly grin.

"Okay, first of all princess, your a drama queen. Or Chief, whatever. Second of all, I wasn't gone for ten years. I was only gone for one," Maui stated. Moana boiled with anger and grabbed his ear.

"If that's a joke, I don't find it very funny," Moana hissed, "You've been gone for ten years." Maui gave her a questioning glance and stood up, dragging Moana with him.

"Uh, no. I'm not kidding, surprisingly. I was down in Lalotai for a year trying to make amends with Tamatoa. Dumb crab took two months to become friends again, then we stayed down there together for a year and I told him I had to visit you for your birthday," Maui explained. Moana looked at him curiously.

"Really?" She let go of his ear and looked down, "I swear it's been ten years."

"Nah," Maui said, "You're turning eighteen, right?" Moana shook her head.

"No Maui. I'm twenty-seven."

Maui looked at her with utter shock. She looked older, her face had stress lines and her eyes seemed to have more wisdom. She was definitely older.

"Y-your twenty seven?" Maui looked down and ran his hand through his hair, "I-I was gone for ten years? Not just one?" He started shaking and a tear rolled down his face. Moana wiped it gently and lifted his head up to look in his eyes.

"It's okay Maui," Moana said, holding his head with both her hands.

"It's not," he whispered faintly. "I thought.... what if I didn't come back till five years, but that would be fifty for you and you where... dead?" Moana gasped and looked him in the eye.

"Your not going to lose me," and with all the strength she had, she kissed him on the lips. Maui was shocked that the brave, mortal, Moana of Moto'nui was kissing him. He finally fell into her trance and lovingly kissed her back, placing his hands around her waist.

"I, I..." Maui fumbled his words after they pulled apart. Moana lifted a finger to his lips.

"I love you too, Maui."

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