Half-Blood <part 2>

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Aika couldn't process what Halia just said. Sister? As in, same mother, same father? No. No way. It was him and his mother. He's never met his father. Grandpa Tui was the male role model in his life, and their family has been doing just fine.

Now he's on a canoe with a total stranger (who just saved his life, mind you) and she just claimed she was his sister. Either she was insane, or maybe they where related in some way.

It didn't even hit him that they where out of the reef, and Moto'nui was just a tiny speck.

"Wait..." Aika said, oblivious to the fact he was drifting farther and farther from his home, "If you're my sister... than who's my mother?"

"I don't know," Halia stated, tying excess ropes somewhere they would be out of the way. Aika raised an eyebrow questioningly and leaned into the hull of the canoe.

"If you're my sibling, shouldn't you know my mother?" Aika asked, getting a bit annoyed, "Like, siblings have the same mom and dad. Unless you're like a blended family or like.... I don't know. But you should know my mom!" Halia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She turned and gave Aika an annoyed look.

"Listen, hotshot. I don't know who your mother is. But I do know your father."

Aika's frown softened and looked at her with bright eyes.

"My dad?" Aika smiled, "I've never met him. What is he like?" Halia's angry expression turned into one of sadness.

"You've never seen him? He never visits?" She asked. Aika shook his head lightly. He mouthed the word no.

"Aika, listen. You'll need to sit down," Halia sat down with him and crossed her legs, "Ok, so... um... I think, I think you should know... I don't know if dad'll get mad but..."

"Just hurry up!"

"Okay, okay! Yeesh. Anyway, you're dad is... Maui," Halia winced and played with her thumbs. Aika sat in shock.

"Maui? Like, Demigod of the wind and sea dude?" Aika shook his head. "Like, the one my mom went on a voyage with? Her best friend?"

"And the one he fell head over heels for," Halia smiled smugly and untied a rope to steer them into another direction.

"So, they got married?" Aika asked.

"Well... no. Not exactly. Demigods can't really be married, ya know? Nothing can tie them down," Halia said it with no emotion whatsoever, yet it still hurt Aika. So, if this 'Maui' dude really loved Moana, wouldn't he be marrying her as soon as he had a crush? She was amazingly beautiful, intelligent, and a great mom. It made Aika's blood boil.

"So, what's the point of kids then?" Aika inquired again. He could tell Halia was getting annoyed, but he didn't care. She wouldn't do anything bad, er, too severe anyway. Maybe throw him off the ship.

"Kids aren't really suppose to happen," Halia sighed. Aika could tell she wasn't to pleased to say it either, "They're kinda like, 'oops. A baby.' And you can't do anything about them." Aika winced.

"Basically we're just mistakes?" Aika asked. Halia desperately waved her hands as if to try to stop him.

"No, no, no, no!" She fumbled, "some demigods and gods just run around having babies. Some are more careful. Like Maui. See anyone else on this canoe?"

"Uh, no."

"Exactly. Maui only has kids with women he loves with all his heart," Halia smiled. "Like your mom and my mom." Aika nodded his head, and suddenly he wasn't so mad at Maui anymore.

"Wait, then, who's your mom?" Aika asked, then he immediately regretted it. Halia's pained expression told him not to push the subject.

"I, I don't wanna talk about it," she said monotone. Aika nodded. He looked around and realized that they where away from Moto'nui.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Aika said frantically, "where are we? Where are we going?"

"You're just now realizing we're away from that island?" Halia huffed, "Oh my gods. You're so dumb."


"Okay! Okay! We're heading to Te Fiti," Halia stated.


"STOP YELLING!" Halia screamed. She took a deep breath, "ugh. Sorry. Yes, we're heading to Te Fiti. That's the only safe place for our kind."

"Wait, our kind?" Aika asked. Why did Halia say those kind of things and just expect him to understand? "What do you mean?"

"Okay Aika, I was going to have Te Fiti tell you, but apparently your soo desperate. You're a demigod. Er, half blood," Halia explained.


"Your mother is mortal, and Maui is immortal, that makes you an immortal demigod, too," Halia sighed roughly and hastily cracked open a coconut from the storage, "Of course in our case, our father is already a demigod, so we don't get cool powers. We just live forever. Which isn't as awesome as it sounds."

"So, I can like, be sixteen forever?" He asked awestruckly.

"Yeah," she responded, "most kids stop aging in their teen years. Usually most of them look around sixteen or nineteen. Some kids stop at twelve, which is super rare." Aika nodded his head and peeled a banana.

"So.... None of the kids have powers?"

"Oh, no, sorry," Halia said, "The kids from the gods have powers. Tangaroa's sons, Ouli's sons, Haika's, Ku... all the big guys. But for the demigod and demigoddess's kids, nothing but sucky immorality." Halia sighed.

"I mean, I guess it would be cool to shape-shift into at least one thing. But nope! Just livin forever!" Halia huffed. Aika and her sat there awkwardly snacking on the rations. Halia was the first to break the silence.

"Get some sleep. We'll trade shifts at midnight," Halia yawned and tied some ropes. Aika nodded and laid down, shutting his eyes before drifting to sleep...

"Aika," A voice, not deep, yet powerful rang into Aika's ears.

"Father?" Aika asked to the darkness. He didn't know how it was his father, yet something seemed to tell him.

"How are ya, kid?" It said, "Like your sister? She's amazing, isn't she?" Aika nodded.

"Please show yourself," Aika asked, his voice shaking. Soon the black void faded into a beach. Not just any beach, though. It was his beach. Moto'nui.

"Please, Maui. Please," He heard his mother beg. She didn't look forty two like her age now, she seemed around twenty six years old.

"I can't. I would love to, but it's against Tangaroa," Aika's father- Maui- was standing there awkwardly. Moana was holiding her stomach. She was pregnant. She didn't look it though, she was maybe two or three months.

"Why, because of some stupid law? Why can't you marry me? Why can't we raise this kid together?" Moana yelled, tears streaming down her face. Maui wiped his own tears that where rolling down his cheeks.

"I- I'm so s-sorry Moana," he choked. He leaned in and hugged her, then kissed her lightly on the lips. He then went down and kissed her stomach. Then he flew off in hawk form.

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