Half Blood <part 7>

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Aika ignored Maui the whole day. He didn't know why he was mad, he just was. He turned his back to him whenever Maui tried to make a conversation, and he barely listened to Halia either.

That continued the whole day. Aika just wanted to go home. He wanted to voyage with his mom and tell her about his craftsmanship and handy work. He wanted to help his mother's fiancé, Turoa, design boats and huts. He wanted his old life back.

His mother must be worried sick about him. He's been gone for a week now, out in gods knows where.

He pondered all these things as day seven ended and day eight started. The black water was slowly turning blue again as the morning sun woke up from its slumber. Aika rested his head on one of his arms and stared into the sun. Halia yawned.

"Hey, go get some sleep," he heard Maui say, "I'll wake you up in a few hours." Halia nodded and laid her head down. Aika still sat there, as stubborn as a mule.

Minutes dragged by as Maui shifted the boat here and there. Aika just wanted to get to Te Fiti, ask questions, and go home. He didn't want to waste another week. Maui finally broke the silence.

"You act just like her," Maui smiled. Aika turned his head to look at Maui.

"Ok," he said, and continued to watch the rising sun.

"You have her hair, her build..." Maui chuckled, "you certainty have her attitude." Aika sighed deeply and turned around.

"What is it?" He snapped.

"What's what?" Maui asked, raising his hands in surrender.

"What do you want from me?" Aika said, pointing a finger at him, "Cause your not getting anything."

"Yeesh, can't a guy spend time with his son?" Maui huffed.

"You should have thought about that sixteen years ago when you left mom," Aika glared and turned around. He knew that cut deep. Maui shifted his weight and looked down sheepishly.

"Listen, Aika..." Maui said, defeat in his tone, "I- I'm sorry. I wish I could, but I can't stay with you." Aika looked down into the water. His reflection was illuminated by the rising sun. He could see his father's eyes in his own, and he hated it. He used to love it, holding onto that one part of him that reminded him of his father. Now that he knows who his father is, he's ashamed of the trait. He doesn't want to associate himself with this... man. A selfish, pathetic man. His anger seethed and a tear formed in his eyes. It dropped to the water, a ripple distorting his face. Maui's reflection came into the water next to him, and he felt a hand touch his back.

"I don't think I can forgive you," Aika said, his voice cracking, "I-I can't. Do you have any idea what you put us through? My mother used to cry to herself at night. She would always stare at her oar on voyages and hold back tears." Maui looked down, ashamed.

"Just this last year, she met someone from another island," Aika continued. Maui looked pained to hear what was gonna come out if Aika's mouth next, "She... they fell in love. I've never seen her so happy in my life. And if she knows you still care.... that would destroy her." Maui sighed.

"Yeah," he said melancholy, "I wasn't meant to be part of her life. She wasn't meant to be part of mine. We all need to move on someday." Maui rubbed his thighs nervously.

"I won't," Aika looked at him, "I can't move on. Thinking this might be the only time to see you in my life... I'd be pretty hurt." Maui nodded. "Do, do you think after the voyage.... you can visit me for a bit?" Aika looked back at he sleeping Halia. "And Halia, too?"

Maui smiled.

"I'd love that." 

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