I crossed my arms and began to pout.

"So I've noticed food is really important to you," he smiled.

"Oh did you realize this before you scarfed my pancakes or after," I was mad.

"Don't worry, Alice." He laughed, "Tom and I were bonding." He started the car and headed for our high school.

"I'm so glad you're besties with my dad. Maybe you guys can lay in bed together at night and watch CNN." I scoffed.

"Sounds like a plan!" Fin smirked.

"And since when do you go to my school?" I asked him realizing I'd never seen him these last two weeks I'd been attending.

"Since now," he looked over at me and smiled but I only rolled my eyes. Stalker.

Mondays suck and school was a drag. I am about to make a petition saying that school should be at most five hours a day and should start at ten.

All in favor say I.

My history teacher rambled on about the past of the great United States. He was quite patriotic, I'm pretty sure if I cut him open he would bleed red white and blue.

I fumbled with a paper boat in my hands, made from a history map the teacher had handed out earlier. I remember my dad teaching me when I was younger and now it's a habit.

I watched the clock tick slowly as the whole classes attention turned to whatever commotion started outside. We all stood up as the teacher trailed off and joined us at the window peering into the courtyard where a cluster of people resided.

"Isn't that the new guy?" A girl who's name I think is Jane said. My mind wandered to Fin but I didn't see any bleach white hair in sight. Only one dirty blonde which I recognized as Alex, the one from the cliffs and one with dark black hair.

Of course it would be him. Bastard.

The two boys stood in the epicenter of a crowd of people watching as they each threw punches at each other.

The one with dark hair had his back towards us and Alex already had a visible stream of blood flowing from his nose. Serves him right.

Honestly I was surprised Alex could even stand at this point considering the number I did on him yesterday.. or his thing was so microscopically small that I missed it when I jabbed my knee into his crotch.

Alex threw messy punches, hoping they would land where they should. You could tell where he was going to punch by the way he lurched forward with his foot before each strike.

The dark haired one looked calculated, smart. He dodged his opponents punches easily and struck him once again in the stomach. An array of "ooo's" echoed from the crowd around me as Alex dropped to the floor.

Clouds started to roll in unusually fast and rain began to pour. You could hear the pattering against the windows and a few bolts of thunder in the distance.

It really set the mood, not gonna lie.

The dark haired one was relentless as he punched him again in the face, and then one final hit and he was knocked out.

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