10: Decisions, decisions...

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The look that signified that she was done fighting.

"I can't Olivia... I can't let you get hurt... Not because of me, not after what I did," she said with tears in her eyes.

"Charlotte!" Olivia yelled as she turned around and jumped off the cliff.

Murphy dropped her from surprise that Charlotte would do such a thing, taking that momentum of the fall she launched herself to the edge of the cliff only for Bellamy to hold her back.

"No!" Bellamy yelled as he held Olivia back and saw Charlotte fall to her death in the black abyss below.

"No! No! No! No! No!" Olivia cried as she stared where there was once the life of the little girl.

Olivia watched from Bellamy's arms as the little girl she had tried so hard to save ended herself.

Covering her mouth to hide her shocked expression she stared into the abyss below, not believing what had happened.

Tears fell uncontrollably from Clarke and Olivia's faces as they looked down the cliff.

Bellamy only staring in shock that Charlotte would jump off the cliff on her own accord.


Suddenly Bellamy stood up, gently letting go of Olivia, and began to walk towards Murphy with a menacing look on his face.

The sounds of punches faded from Olivia's ears as she could only hear a ringing that was making her head hurt.

Ignoring what was going on around her she layed down in a fetal position and cried softly as she thought about what Charlotte has just done.

Despite all her efforts to keep the young girl safe she failed... Like always.


She got up suddenly when she heard Bellamy say,

"He deserves to die!"

"We don't get to decide who lives and who dies... Not down here," Olivia says walking towards them with a blank look on her face.

"So help me God, if you say the people have a right to decide-" Bellamy was cut off when Clarke butted in.

"No! I was wrong before okay? You both were right." Clarke admitted in tears.

"Sometimes it's dangerous to tell people the truth." She continued as she looked from Bellamy to Olivia.

"If we're going to survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want. We need rules." Olivia said without emotion as she looked to the two in front of her.

"And who makes those rules, huh? You?" Bellamy asked kind of accepting the proposition.

"For now we make the rules. The three of us. Okay?" Clarke says as she looks to Olivia in concern noticing her blank state from when she had just met the girl back on the drop ship.

"So, what, then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?" Bellamy asks gesturing to Murphy.

"No!" Clarke says as she looks to Murphy as he gasps for air.

"We banish him," she continued as she looked back to the two.

They all looked at each other in silent agreement before Bellamy made the first move, grabbing Murphy from the ground.

"Get up," he growled as he roughly picked him up.

"Bellamy! Stop!" Clarke yelled thinking he was going to throw him over the cliff. Olivia lightly grabbed her shoulder stopping her from advancing.

"If I ever catch you near camp, we'll be back here, understand?" Bellamy threatened him as he held Murphy over the cliff.

When he nodded Bellamy pushed him to the ground away from the cliff.

"As for the four of you. You can come and follow us back to camp, or go off with him to die... Your choice," Olivia says loudly gaining the attention of everyone from her cold demeanor.

Suddenly she walked past everyone stopping to pick up the knife Murphy had used to threaten Charlotte with her life.

She silently tossed it to the ground near his feet.

"You'll need it," was all Olivia said as she walked into the darkness herself not paying attention to the rest of the group or the injuries she had sustained.


As they came back to camp Olivia,  Clarke and Bellamy began explaining to the rest of the 100 all that had happened.

"And that is why we decided to banish him," Olivia said to the group as she looked all around her.

"Anyone got a problem with that?" Bellamy asked out loud.

When he got no signs of disagreement everyone began to disperse, till only Olivia and Bellamy were left.


"You alright?" Bellamy asked softly as Olivia was beginning to walk away.

"Not really," she said as she turned around to look at him, emotion finally flickering on her face.

"... Maybe if I hadn't-" Olivia was interrupted by Bellamy.

"Don't do that to yourself... She knew what she was doing... That was her choice, let her keep it with the hope that you now make decisions for yourself," Bellamy said as he opened his arms out for an embrace.

At the sight of her eyes tearing up and her not moving he took the first step.

"C'mon, I'm here now," he said as he gestured her to make the final step, to which after a bit she did.

As she embraced him she started shaking with tears as Bellamy rubbed her back soothingly. Kissing the top of her head lightly his eyes immediately widened.

He had slipped and done that without thinking, Olivia grew nervous when she felt his heartbeat was erratic.

"I- I shared my tent with her Bell," she whispered as she looked up at him.

"You can stay in my tent if you want," he said softly as he looked down to her blue orbs that didn't look as dull as the day he had first seen her.

"I- I.." Olivia cut herself off as she lightly shook her head.

"Let me help you Olivia... What do you want me to do?" Bellamy asked as he looked down at her, wiping away a tear from her cheeks with his thumb.

"Just tell me it will be okay... and it will be," she said as more tears fell.

 and it will be," she said as more tears fell

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"...I'm not just going to tell you that... I'm gonna make it okay," he said with a determined look on his face as he kissed her forehead lightly.

"Thank you Bell... I think I'd like to stay in your tent for tonight... if you wouldn't mind," she said lightly growing nervous around him, her freckled cheeks becoming pink.

"Alrighty, then lets go." He said with a small smile as he grabbed her hand and lead her to his tent.

To sleep.


《Silence》B. Blake [1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن