"Are you on vervain?" Victoria asked. "No" Stefan said. She looked into Stefan's eyes "Now you remember everything about me" She said. Stefan snapped back. "Did you compel me to remember?" Stefan asked and she nodded. "Did it work?" Victoria asked. "I remember" Stefan said with a smile. Victoria knew it would work. "Stefan please forgive me. I lost my baby and I lost my husband. I could not lose my best friend" Victoria said with tears. Stefan was also in tears. "I understand" he said with a small smile. "So are we cool?" Victoria asked. "Yeah we're cool" Stefan said with a smile. Victoria smiled and hugged him.

Stefan and Victoria walked back into the living room where everyone were. "Hey guys" Victoria said. "Go ahead. I'll answer your questions" Victoria added sitting down.

"You are an original?" Elena asked incredulously. "Yes" Victoria said and nodded. "I knew you couldn't be trusted" Bonnie accused. "What are you? A vampire?" Jeremy asked curiously. "No. I am a Werewolf, Vampire and Witch hybrid" Victoria informed him. "Cool!" Jeremy said and Bonnie glared at him. "What?" He asked looking at her. She just hit him in the chest lightly. "Damon?" Victoria called out softly. "Are you going to say anything or just stare into space?" She asked. He was the only one who didn't ask her anything.

"Say what Victoria? You hid something so big from all of us. You are related to Elijah who tried to kill us. And not forgetting Klaus who plans to kill Elena" He burst. "And with the Klaus thing I have a solution. Katherine had come to this town with the plan of giving Elena, Caroline and Tyler over to Klaus to be sacrificed for the ritual. But I can save them.There is no way I am letting Klaus use them for the sacrifice. And for Elena, I may have a way to her" she said looking at Elena. "You have a way to save me?" Elena asked at the same time "Wait why me and Tyler?" Caroline asked.

"The ritual includes the sacrifice of a vampire, werewolf and the Petrova doppelganger while a witch performs a spell using the moonstone. Katherine was going to offer all of that on a silver plate to Klaus for her freedom"  Victoria continued looking at Caroline. "Why?" Caroline asked. "Because she has been on the run from us from the past 500 years. She was going to be used as the Petrova Doppelganger 500 ago when we found out about her existence. Klaus had everything set but then she fled and became a vampire.So we made our mission to make her life hell. That why she went through all the trouble of 'killing' herself in 1864. But we knew all about it. Katherine couldn't live her life fully. She was always on the run. That was punishment enough" Victoria said. "Oh" Caroline and Elena said in unison.

"Wait, if you are an Original, how do we know that you didn't compel any us?"Bonnie asked. "My dear Bonnie, the humans in your group have vervain on them in some form. It is impossible for me to compel them. But Stefan I did compel once. I told him my story when we met. But when Mikael came into town I had to make him forget to protect him" Victoria said looking at Stefan. "And now I remember what happened" Stefan said. "Everything" he added. "Stefan do you forgive me?" Victoria asked with tears in her eyes. "I forgive you Tori" he said and she hugged him. "And Bonnie I promise that I will not compel you guys until it is necessary...and if I make a promise I keep it" Victoria said sternly and Bonnie believed her.

"You could have told us sooner" Elena said walking towards Victoria. "Why? I didn't know anyone of you. I wanted you to be my friends" she said looking at everyone. "I didn't want to be scared of me or put your life at risk for knowing about me. I didn't want you guys to hate me" she said. Elena hugged her and so did Caroline. "We're your friends. We will never hate you" Caroline said. After they broke apart Victoria looked at Bonnie "Are we cool?" Victoria asked. Bonnie thought about it and then she walked up to Victoria and hugged her. "Yeah we're cool" Bonnie replied. Victoria turned to Jeremy. "I know we are definitely cool" Victoria said. Jeremy chuckled and nodded. "Yeah we are" he said and they did a fist bump. Victoria turned to Damon.

"Damon?" She asked softly. He had his back turned to her. He was looking into the fire. "When you introduced yourself I knew I had heard that name before. Blackthorn. But I couldn't remember" he said and turned. "And when you told me his full name...it struck me...Lucas Blackthorn" he said and smiled a little. She smiled back knowing that he knew her husband. "You knew him?" Stefan asked. "I did brother. We fought together at war. He was the best soldier considered by everyone. I didn't know that he was a vampire until I realized after a few years of my transition. He fought bravely. I'm really happy that I got to know him and fight alongside him" Damon concluded softly. At this time there were tears running down Victoria's cheeks.

"Thank you Damon" Victoria said with a smile while wiping away her tears. "You're right. He was a brave soldier. He was selfless. He always protected me even though he knew I was powerful. Ever since we lost her we lived for each other" Victoria said as she sat down on the couch. Everyone sat down too. "Lucas was one of a kind. He was actually kind of different from all of us actually. I thought that I couldn't live without him. When he sacrificed his life for my brother I tried everything to bring him back but in vain.I could only speak to him. Today I'm living because he wanted me to. I miss him so much." Victoria said with tears running down her cheeks. Stefan hugged her sideways.

Thanking You guys for so many reads within few weeks. Please do vote for this story and continue to read it as it's only the beginning.

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