Southern France

16.3K 198 23

(No one's P.O.V)

1002 A.D

Klaus was checking the pulse of the victim they killed. Kol patted him on his back. "Who's ready for the next course?" Kol asked. They had made a meal out of the people they had found in a caravan. "You're all filthy gluttons," Finn said. "And you remain ever the dullard," replied Kol. "Oh, such pretty clothes," Rebekah said while looking at a victim. Victoria came up to her and held her shoulder. "What a shame they'll go to waste," Victoria said. "Rebekah, Victoria we have discussed this endlessly," Elijah said sternly. "No. You've discussed this. None of us had any say in the matter! This lot was traveling somewhere. Their car is full of silks and finery. Seven of them, seven of us. Wherever they were off to, why could we not simply go in their stead?" Rebekah asked. "I don't think that's a good idea, Rebekah," Victoria said. "Why not?" Rebekah questioned her sister.

"Masquerade as nobles from a land we do not know, whose customs we cannot begin to understand? Ridiculous!" Elijah answered her."You saw the castle down the road. It was practically a gala. If this bunch was headed there, then... Look at them. They're not any better than we are. We could live as they do, at least for a time" Rebekah said. Everyone looked unconvinced. So she continued. "Think of it, Elijah, we can hide in plain sight. We could live ordinary lives".

"Silence," Elijah said to his sister. He had heard something. Now everyone could hear it. Elijah went towards the caravan and yanked away the blanket. In the caravan, there was a young man hiding. He jumped out of the caravan and tried to run. But he was surrounded. "Well, aren't you a handsome one?" Rebekah said. "Looks like dessert to me," Kol said licking his lips and walking towards him. "No! Wait, wait, wait! I can help you!" the young man cried out. Everyone looked at him in the means for him to continue."Now I am... I am the personal servant to the Count de Martel of the very estate you just mentioned. I wa... I was sent to escort these guests to his home for a lengthy stay. I know their customs, as... as well as the count's habits. If you mean to pose as the family you have slaughtered here, then you'll need my help to carry out your ruse" he said.

"Please can we keep him?" Rebekah asked. "Rebekah, no. What is our most important rule?" Elijah said. "Never leave alive someone who..." Rebekah started. ".. has seen what we are," Niklaus, Victoria, Kol, Finn and Lucas continued in unison. "Thank you very much. A practice that has served us very well indeed," Elijah said straightening up and started to walk towards Lucien. Finn stopped him.

"She has a point. He may be of use." Finn said agreeing with Rebekah. "Ah, a proper family squabble," Kol said grinning."Perhaps we should put it to a vote. All those in favor of letting him live?" Nik asked. Rebekah, Victoria, and Finn raised their hands. "Those inclined to gut him?" Kol, Elijah, and Lucas raised their hands. Victoria stared at her husband. Nik had not yet voted for or against. "Well, Nik... What shall it be?" Kol asked his brother. Niklaus walked towards Lucien and stared at him.

They walked into the castle wearing the clothes of their victims. Looks like Niklaus decided to let Lucien live after all. They entered the court."There. See Count de Martel? You address him as "Your Grace," all the other nobles as "My lord," and when you speak to the count, you should speak of hunting. He loves his hawks and his hounds, and, um, bow deep, milady Rebekah and Victoria. He also relishes a healthy cleavage" Lucien said.

He turned around and saw everyone looking around at the court. "For God's sake, all of you, stop looking up," he said and pushed a strand of Kol's hair behind. "Touch me again, and I'll tear your arm straight off " Kol threatened him. Lucien gulped."Behave, Kol, or I'll bury you in the ground to rot" Finn said.

" This isn't going to work, is it?" Rebekah doubted. "Just speak as we practiced and know that you look lovely milady," Lucien said and smiled at Rebekah."I really have a bad feeling about this Lucas" Victoria said."Don't worry my love" Lucas said holding his wife's hand. "Are you worried, brother?" Niklaus asked his brother who seemed to be uncomfortable. "We're placing our lives in the hands of a stranger, Niklaus," Elijah said.

"Lucien, you were sent to fetch the Count de Guise," the Count de Martel said. "Indisposed, your grace. Gout. May I present his children? The Lords Finn, Niklaus, Elijah, Kol, and Lucas. Also, the lovely Lady Rebekah and Lady Victoria" Lucien introduced them to the king bowing."Your father never mentioned you to me in all our dealings" the Count said.

"Yes. Your grace, do forgive us. Uh, father was forever distant with his travels, and, uh, we were largely raised by servants. However, I do know that father would consider it a glorious honor that we should be introduced to society by your noble hand, your grace" Elijah stepped forward to speak. "Your Grace, I look forward to hearing tales of your hunting escapades," Niklaus said stepping forward also. "May I present our sisters? Niklaus said stepping aside."Rebekah Du Guise de Rochefort en the Seine. Charmed" Rebekah introduced herself by bowing."Victoria Du Guise de Rochefort en the Seine.Delighted." Victoria followed her by bowing. The Count smiled. The siblings went their way mingling with the crowd.

Niklaus walked up to Lucien. "You've proven to be an immense help," Nik said. "Heh. Of course, milord" Lucien replied. "Though I must say you don't seem at all disturbed about leading us into your master's home," Klaus said. "My master is a cruel drunkard who torments his minions for sport, beggars who seek succor, vassals who cannot pay a debt like my own father" Lucien said with disgust. "Ah!" Klaus said looking impressed.

"All these gentlefolk behind their silks and their jewels, they are slavers, killers. Whatever evil you are, you walk amongst greater evil still" Lucien said. "What do I care if you kill the lot of them?" Lucien said. Klaus smiled and seen everyone turning and looking towards his direction.

Niklaus turned around and saw a young man and woman. The girl looked so beautiful. "Who are they?" Nik asked Lucien curiously. "Oh. They're the count's children, Lord Tristan and his sister the Lady Aurora" Lucien answered."She is exquisite" Nik said. Lucien chuckled. "Yes. Um, as her brother is wicked. Might I suggest that you avoid them completely? Lucien warned Nik. "Would she really be such a threat, even to one like me?" Nik asked him."Lady Aurora doesn't need teeth to tear a man's soul out. One need only stare in her eyes and be lost," Lucien said.

"No matter how much you warn my brother to stay away from something it will be of no he will do exactly that," Victoria said sneaking up on both of them. " know me so well," Nik said. Victoria smiled. "But that doesn't mean you should be foolish careful," Victoria said and walked away to join Lucas. Niklaus just smiled.

Published on 3rd April 2017
Edited on 22nd June 2020

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