I'm not so tall, maybe 5 feet... but it doesn't matter how I look and how I am even though I get a lot of compliments from the people who are not so scared of me. I have green eyes, small nose and slightly pouted lips, all on pale skin. I don't prefer putting any makeup. These all things together makes me dark, well I make it dark by the tone I use and the glares I send around... ah not to forget the pouches I can throw at anyone I dislike. Everyone around here knows it and that's why they don't mess with me. I like to keep it that way. As today is graduation day everyone is happy and cheerful, but it's all going to be the same for me. I have to work the whole of my life and hide my identity. My real name from everything.

Just because of my hunters. I know one day they will get me and have their revenge and I am cool with it as well. I just want my family, a half disordered one, to be safe. Just me to take revenge with. Not them. I Love them except for Joseph.

My mum and Joseph don't care about anything or anyone, they just drink and eat a lot. Both are destroyed. They don't know where they live and I am very tired. So tired that It hurts, but I have to live. live for the twins, for their good beings. I know I will be gone one day but I have set them to live without me. I just have to tell them about an account in which I put money for them so that when I'm gone they will not have any problem In life and as for mum and Joseph I don't know, I really don't care anymore. I miss that mum who was very innocent, beautiful and caring ...she is long gone along with my father.

Seeing my friends in the hall where the decorations were taking place. I made my way towards them, Nillie was the one who noticed me followed by Ottilie who was with the school's Bad Boy 'Dash Evans'. Guess what? He's one of the people most scared of me. I only once told him to never think of hitting on me in 'MY WAY' kind of way and that made him avoid even looking at me. I smirked looking at his way as he excused himself from there and walked in the other direction.

"Eliza," Rick said.

" Oh, finally she came. " Nillie said along.

" Yeah, I kinda went out of time, the 2nd job keeps me out till late and that explains my waking up late. " I said.

"Anyways, I am so excited aren't you?" Nillie says.

" What's there to be excited about?" I shot back.

I mean come on it's not any fun. It's just you getting graduated. 

But I can't say that. She has a life full of fun and fun. Not that I'm jealous or maybe a little bit.

She is all happy, funny and interesting with good looks and here look at me. I am the monster in a girl's clothes.

Nillie frowned, " You are just always the same. Show some emotion sometimes. Happiness, sadness or even just smile more... it won't hurt, I promise I have tried " she said smiling at me.

" I know right! This is just very boring. Did you notice Dash go away when he saw her coming?" Ottilie said with anger and frustration.

I looked down at my shoes as I hear her talk with Nillie about how Dash is the best kisser an all... I know its the truth that I'm too rude but how am I supposed to show any of these emotions. 

 When I see myself becoming weaker I block it by fighting back and distracting my eyes from tearing and body from falling. I'm just tired of this but I still have to continue.

That's what I did, I gave them a dark look which shut them up. That's what I know, I can't show them the real me. My hunters are still finding me. I have to be non-existent and unknown to this world.

Now let's see what happens when I start to live without going to school and finding a better job for better savings. I hope I get a nice job. It's not like my current jobs aren't good, In fact, they are very nice. It just makes me very tired working on two times and now that I have a degree, I mean I'm gonna get it today right. So I will find a better job with better salary and timings.

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