Chapter 1

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"You idiot!" I yelled into the microphone. "I just died because of you!"

My character on Minecraft just got killed by a swarm of skeletons. I was more than furious at my friend, DemonSlayer25.

"Remind me to never listen to your ideas ever again," I said angrily. "Who mines at night in a dark cave anyway?"

I could hear his nervous laughter through my headset. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Well, I gotta go, see ya."

He disconnected. I sighed and did the same. I turned off my laptop and removed my headset. If only some of my other friends had been online today, I wouldn't have had to play alone with that guy.

"Naomi! Lunch is ready!"

I grinned, hearing my cousin Austin call me from downstairs. I could feel my stomach growling. I hadn't realized how hungry I was.

I stood up and left my room, heading downstairs and to the kitchen to see my cousin. Austin sat at the table with Bella and Edward, our pet opossums, balanced on each of his shoulders.

He smiled at me as I took a seat. "So, Naomi, you close to finishing your book?"

I picked up a sandwich from my plate and took a bite. "Sorta, I'm over halfway."

He then frowned, beginning to eat as well. "You'd better hurry or you'll miss your deadline."

I waved a hand dismissively. "I know, chill out. Writing takes time, you know. You can't rush it."

He chuckled. "I know, kinda like game designing. Speaking of which, what time is it?"

He turned his head to look at the clock. He jumped out of his seat, nearly knocking Bella and Edward off his shoulders.

"It's already almost 1?! Damn it, I'm gonna be late!" he yelled.

He quickly picked up the opossums and placed them on the floor. He then shoveled another sandwich into his mouth before grabbing his things and rushing out.

"I'll be back later!" he called with his mouth stuffed full.

After I heard the front door slam shut, I laughed a bit. "Typical Austin, so concerned about what I do that he nearly forgets about what he's supposed to be doing."

I thought about what he said while I finished my lunch. Maybe I should speed up my writing a bit. With a full stomach, I fed Bella and Edward before going upstairs to grab my laptop.

I headed back down and outside. I took a deep breath and looked around with a smile. I loved the fact that we lived alone out here surrounded by woods. We weren't far from the city, but we definitely had our privacy.

No annoying neighbors or sounds of traffic. Just wide open space and fresh clean air. The peaceful sounds of nature was all we could hear for miles.

A small neigh brought me out of my thoughts. I looked over at the beautiful Palomino mare with the tanish-colored coat and white mane. She leaned her head over the fence, staring at me.

"Hold on, Latte, I'll get you some fresh hay."

I set my laptop down on the porch and hurried over to the small barn. I grabbed a large bundle of hay and carried it into Latte's barn. I set down the bundle, watching the mare dig in.

I smiled and patted her neck before going back to the porch. I sat down and opened my laptop. I immediately picked up on my story where I'd left it off last time.

I stared intently at the words on the screen while my fingers typed away. I sat there for hours. The sun steadily began moving behind the trees. The cool breeze blew my golden blond hair. With the sun no longer present, I shivered slightly.

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