Review 6 ↠ different

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Title: Different ➳ One Direction AU

Author: @mrtomlinson

Genre: Fanfiction

Rating: 8.5


Hey, hey Cassie! So, ‘Different’ is definitely different. Your writing is so unique and captivating! I just love it. In all honesty, I really don’t see a plot yet, but I just cannot stop reading it. 

On to your cover. Well, it certainly does its job, listing the title and author. However, the whole ‘black on black’ kind of thing really isn’t doing it for me. It may just be me, but the text seems a bit blurry, along with the picture. /:

Your grammar skills are fantastic. One thing to point out though, when you go into a flashback you should still space out the dialogue. It makes it confusing and hard to read when it’s all jumbled up. Other than that, it’s pretty fantastic.

You’re only four chapters in so far, there really isn’t much to summarize. It seems like you’ve introduced almost all of your main characters so far, except for Harry. -Great job on bringing them into the story by the way. It’s nice to see something besides them all ‘conveniently’ meeting at a concert. The character development is a bit confusing, especially for Liam, because it’s so broken. However, you’re only a few chapters in so I’m positive you’ll fill us all in on the details. So far it’s pretty fantastic so far.

Different really is great so far, very descriptive yet somehow mysterious. It’s really cool how you’ve managed to do that. The reason why I rated this an 8.5: you’re only four chapters in! There’s always room for improvement and your book is obliviously going to get better with time. Your current cover really doesn’t do your work justice right now, and the plot hasn’t exactly developed yet. Be sure to keep up your confidence in your author’s notes though! I cannot stress the importance of this to anyone! To get yourself ahead, you have to believe in your self and your work AND let everyone know that. Keep up the fantastic work.

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