"Ooo. That one is different. I haven't heard you order Crullers before." I giggle as he rolls his eyes.

He sighed, "You're missing the point Y/n."

"Yeah probably." I shrug. I got him his donuts and handed him the box.

"Hang on, I'll be RIGHT back." He stated and left before giving me my money. I would've let him have them on the house, but I crossed my arms and glared at the door. He was definitely paying me now!

He came back in a few seconds later with three other guys. "Hey Y/N, I want you to meet my best friends at college. Zach, Cody, Dan, meet Y/N, my donut shop friend."

I gave a shy wave, feeling very self-conscious all of a sudden. "Hi, guys." I never really knew how to talk to guys since I didn't have any guy friends, so I was trying not to embarrass myself by not saying anything at all.

"Hello Y/N." Zach reached over the counter and shook my hand. The other two just smiled and nodded at me.

Maxx directed them to a booth near the front window and they ate two dozen donuts right in front of me! I was shocked four people could eat that many in one sitting, but I tried to hide my bewilderment.

As they got up to leave, Maxx handed me some money, a tip written on a napkin, and a note. They all waved and said their goodbyes and I smiled and waved back. I think I like his friends.

When they left the parking lot, I opened the note and smiled at the cute, little message he wrote me.

Hey Y/N,

I really enjoy hanging out without you and it seems like the guys like you as well. Zach, maybe a little too much. They made me give you this, just so you know. Here's my number: 349-026-8721 (A/n, not Maxx's real number; I just slammed my fingers onto the numbers keys of my computer. If I actually had Maxx's number, I would respect his privacy and not give it out to anyone.)

Maxx Danziger.

I quickly put his number into my contacts and got back to work with a bigger smile on my face. What a cute guy.

Zach DeWall:

It was another day at Jeanette's apartment and I was STILL trying to find a roommate. This was my second week looking and it was starting to get ridiculous.

"Please Chrissa? I really need a new roommate! Jeanette can't keep me here forever! I won't be a burden! Pl-Hello? HELLO?!" I growl as I slam my phone on the counter. I can't BELIEVE that girl had the GALL to hang up on ME! She was the one who spent her rent money on booze anyway. I would've picked up the slack if it meant I had a roommate.

"No luck?" Jeanette asked handing me a mug of hot coffee/tea.

"Seriously! Seventeen people and not ONE will help someone desperate enough to ask out!" I grumble. "Except you Jean." I quickly add, giving her a tender smile.

She smirked. "Try Bailey, Marika, and Jesslyn. If they refuse, I have no clue. You might-"

"No." I cut her off. I was NOT going to join a sorority. My mother was miserable in her sorority and I did not want to put myself through that same torture!

Jeanette held up her hands. "Alright fine!" She looked at the clock and gasped. "I'm late!" She snatched her keys and nametag before running out the door. Ah, such is the life of a Target worker.

"Bye!" I called after her. Sighing, I threw myself on the couch, phone in hand. "Alright, Jesslyn Fredericks, please say yes to a roommate."

Before I could dial her number, I got a call from an unknown caller. Despite my better judgment, I answered it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey, am I speaking to Jeanette or Y/N?" A familiar voice said nervously.

I smile. "That depends. If I tell you, will you promise not to bother me at ungodly hours? There is nothing I hate more than when people mess with my 'beauty sleep'."

I could hear confusion on the other end before he said, "F-fine."

"Yes, this is Y/N. How are you today, Zachaboy?" I smiled. I could be so evil sometimes and boy, did I love it.

"You still remember that?" He groaned.

My smile grew bigger and more wickedly. "Yes, yes I do. What do you want?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go get coffee sometime? You don't have to if you don't wanna. I'm cool with whatever." He said hastily. Then he whispered something that I could still hear. "Why do I have to do this again?"

An idea sparked in my mind. "Put me on speaker," I demand.


"Put me on speaker!" I repeat, even more forcefully.

"Alright." There was some fumbling and then he said. "Ok, you're on speaker."

"Ok." I cleared my throat. "Yes Zach, I would love to go get coffee with you. I'm cool with whatever. Also, I've been waiting for you to call me. You sure took your time." I chuckled to myself, imagining the drunk guys freaking out at what I just said. Again, I'm so mean and evil.

"Really?" He stuttered. "Cool! See you later today perhaps?"

"Sure! Text me when you're there and I'll meet you." I smiled sweetly.

"Got it. See ya later then."

"Bye!" I clicked off my phone and danced around the living room for a little bit before finally calling up Jesslyn.

Who, of course, said no. At least I had a date later today.

Dan Clermont:

Today was so boring! I could do my late schoolwork, but after that test, I was content not doing anything at all. But after completing the two series on Netflix I started, I was getting bored. Then again, there was one thing I could do.

I race downstairs, rip my phone off the charger, race back upstairs and sit on my bed to text a certain someone, hoping he was awake.

Me: Hey.

Dan: Was up?

Me: Nothing much. Just enjoying a boring Saturday.

Dan: Aren't those days the best? ;P

Me: Absolutely! That is until you're a bit tired of just doing nothing.

Dan: Oh, well then...

Dan: Do you maybe wanna come over later? I would say now, but I should probably clean before you come over. The place is practically in shambles right now.

Me: Lol. Yeah, I would love to come over later. Are the boys getting into that much trouble?

Dan: Like you wouldn't believe. They want to have a party tonight. Ugh.

Me: I'd love to come! That is if you'll invite me.

Dan: Wha-really?

Me: Yeah! I'm sure it'll be fun.

Dan: Don't you have schoolwork to complete?

Me: Not that I know of. [I said, like a liar.]

Dan: Then you are officially invited!

Me: AWESOME! I'll be there!

Dan: Do you only have five minutes? :D

Me: Just five minutes. ;)

I smiled, setting my phone down. It was a joke we shared. Every time there was a party, Dan would ask if I only had five minutes. I would say yes, but a lot of times I would stay longer. He would then tease me about not keeping my curfew. I let him, smiling and laughing along with him, remembering my first five minutes I spent with him.

Five minutes; five minutes that could last an eternity.

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