"Yeah yeah yeah." Dallas wines. "What do you want to do now?" Dallas asks me. I take out my phone and check the time. 3 AM.

"Dallas it's already 3 AM." I tell him. I obviously don't care about the time, I just want him to give me a reason to stay.

"I know." He tells me, smiling evilly.

"Wait. You are going to kill me huh?" I ask him. We both burst into laughter, creating a lovely sound.

"No. I promise." He tells me, standing up. I stand up with him and we both walk over to my bed.

"So Taylor..." Dallas begins saying.

"What?" I ask him after he doesn't continue his sentence.

"Never mind. It's stupid." He says. I begin to feel pain in my heart, he can't do this to me!

"No it's not Dallas. Tell me!"

"I'm afraid I can't Taylor." He says to me, smiling his beautiful smile. "Not unless, you kiss me."

He can't be serious! Why would he want me to kiss him? After all we are just "friends". I decide to use his words against him and say, " Were just friends remember? Friends don't kiss." I smile proudly at him.

"Oh c'mon Taylor! You know you have feelings for me, you said it yourself!" He shoots back at me, he is never going to give up!

"Dallas!" I whine. "I said I had feelings for you. You made it pretty clear that we were just friends!" His facial expression goes from happy to sad in a matter of 16 words.

"I like you Taylor!" Dallas blurts out of nowhere. His confession catches me totally off gaurd and for a moment I feel like breaking down into tears. Did he just say he likes me?

"What?" I ask him in disbelief.

"I like you Tay. Not like a friend. More than a friend!" He finally says to me. I jump off the bed. Right now I need to be as far away from his as I possibly can. He had me thinking he liked me, so just when I started to get comfortable, he says we should just be friends. Then just when I am beginning to feel comfortable as being his friend, he says he likes me! "Taylor?"

"Dallas." I say to him, just to make sure the guy who just confessed that he likes me, is who I really think it is.

"Are you alright?" He asks me, getting off of my bed and walking over to me. He places his hand on me and it feels different. It doesn't feel like it did before. In fact, it didn't even feel like this when we kissed. I don't want to feel this way though, not anymore. Well, not with Dallas at least.

"Just go." I say to him, flinging his hand off of me.



"Yeah, no! I am not leaving until you explain why the hell you are kicking me out!" I nod my head in agreement just to make him quiet down. The absolute last thing I need is for my parents to catch me in here with a boy. But not just any boy. Dallas.

"Sit." I tell him, I sit on the other end f the bed. I am almost out of his reach, but I feel like this isn't far enough! "Dallas, I liked you, I mean you kissed me and everything! But you said you wanted to be friends. I was ready to just be friends with you, honestly, I wanted nothing more than to get to know you as a friend! This is not okay! You cannot do this, not now." I say to him, now sobbing into my hands.

"I'm sorr-"

"No, don't apologize. I'm sick of you apologizing!" I say to him, not even bothering to look up at him. Not because I am embarrassed, because I am so frustrated with him right now.

"Look at me." He says to me. I surprise him and myself by looking up at him. "I don't like to see you this way, and it kills me to know that I do this to you Taylor! I'm sorry, and I mean it. If you don't want to see me again than I understand, but can you at least try to get where I am coming from. I don't want to lose you." I look into his eyes the whole time that he is trying to convince me that he is a better person. I don't know what to say though. For the first time in my life I am absolutely speechless! "I'll just go." He says to me after a few moments of silence.

When he is just about to leave I finally muster up the courage to say something to him. "Dallas wait." I say to him.

He turns around and looks at me, a hope full look on his face.  "Yeah?" He asks me.

"You don't have to go. I just don't know what to say." I tell him, trying to force a smile on my depressed face.

"Okay." He says back to me, walking over to my bed.

"Thank you." I say to him. He looks at me, confused.

"For what?" He asks me.

"I don't know. Making an effort?" My sentence comes out as more of a question.

"Your welcome." He says. I know he means it. I know because no matter how hard he tries to cover it up, I can see the hurt and pain in his eyes. I know he is hurt by the way he makes me feel, and that's the reason I believed him.

"So where do we go from here?" I ask him, I'm finally normal again. I really need to stop crying over the things that Dallas does. I know it will never stop.

"I don't know. But I have a pretty good idea." He tells me, I nod my head for him to continue speaking. "Let's just live in the moment." He couldn't have picked a better ting to say.

Before I know it we are both sitting on my bed, laughing of coarse. "I'm not even kidding! He literally streaked through Walmart!" Dallas says to me while laughing. I laugh along with him, even though I wasn't even really listening to the story. I was mostly staring at him, admiring his hotness.

"Wow!" I say to him, in between breathes.

"I know." He says back to me. "Can we turn off the light?" I wonder why he would want the light off?

"Sure." I say, he immediately jumps off of my bed and turns of the light before I even have the chance to ask why.

My room suddenly becomes pitch black, I know when Dallas sits on my bed, because I can feel the spot directly next to me sink down. I can also feel his hot breath against my ear. "Your beautiful." He whispers quietly into my ear. I can barely hear him,but I know what he says.

"Thanks." I chuckle and look at his face, well, at least where I think his face is.

"Your welcome." He says back to me. "Don't get mad at me if I miss okay?" He asks me, for a moment I don't know what the hell he is talking about, until he reassures me, "It's dark, I can't see where you are." He chuckles once again, just before connecting his lips to mine.

This is only the second time I have kissed Dallas but it just feels so normal. Our lips move together perfectly for at least 2 minutes before he silently asks permission to slip his tongue into my mouth. I part my lips to let him, and I can feel the smile forming on my lips. I decide to make the next move and swing my leg over his body, so I am now straddling him. He places his hands on my hips and moans into my mouth when my hands find his hair, tugging lightly. Our kiss is suddenly interrupted by the clicking of a door, a door being opened. My door. I jump off of Dallas and sit next to him, anticipating who just barged into my room.

My light flicks on and I see a very tired Logan standing in my doorway. It takes him a moment to realize what is going on, but when he does, he looks pist!

"What the hell is going on here?" He asks. I am not sure If he asked me or Dallas. Dallas!

(Wow! This is by far the longest chapter I have ever written! Thank you for reading!

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