Hear the Bitter Dark's Call

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Triven closed the Series 10 file and stretched, his long arms extending and his fingers barley grazing the roof. He then began to exit the lifeless room that was once so vibrant and cheerful. He grasped the clear doorknob and turned it listening to the silent click of it's mechanisms. He left his parents room but not before he took one last look into the cold dark room whose walls were stripped of cheer and joy. Then with another quiet click of the door the sight was gone from his aching eyes.

In Jackivilles  room it was cold and Jackivilles was shivering. Her bed that night was nothing more than a pile of ice and guilt to her. Its once soft curves bought only an unpleasant chill which seemed to linger. She tossed and turned all night, she was restless and exhausted from the week she had. Breen's  wide smile was stuck in her head as a reminder of him and her hatred for him. Some how Breen had gotten a hold of her and made her kill her parents. Surely that was the reason, Jackiville  could only hope this was the case. She sat up from her bed and spaced out looking across at her door. Her hands shook and she held back firey tears that seemed to never end. The night was cold, per usual, and her curtains swayed with discomfort as the bitter wind blew them about. As her gaze stayed fixated on the door her mind went through everything that happened. It went through Triven's  actions at the subway terminal, and Breen's sadistic ways, it seemed to go through all of these events in great detail. Then a loud clanking of some kind startled Jackiville out of her thoughts and her attention was focused on the lights seeping under the door. It was one in the morning and everyone had gone to bed, or so she thought. The clanking noise continued as she rose from her bed and made her way to the door. Its handle was cold as she turned it letting the mechanical click echo. The clanking sound ended abruptly then a loud smash was heard after. She left her icy room and wandered down the hallway decorated with pictures and lights. One picture was of her and Triven standing by a lake while another was of her parents laughing with joy. She averted her eyes from it and continued on with her slippers flopping against the ground. She was passing the game room to get to the kitchen where she figured the sound came from when footsteps could be heard running across next to her. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and soon she developed goosebumps. She felt the same cough from before crawl up her throat and she struggled to hold it back. She pivoted her head to the open doorway of the game room and slowly made her way over to it. Her hand softly resting on the door frame as she stood starring into the darkness.

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