Series 10

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Jackiville frantically dropped the knife and it dropped with a clanking sound. How long has she been holding it? When did she get it? Her mind was buzzing but she couldn't focus on anything. She couldn't think rationally, is this what happened when she killed her parents? Had she blacked out? Her tears returned but were short lived by her coughing fit that erupted. She held her chest as she vomited frozen chunks of blood, each one landing with a clicking sound. Dozens came out and when they stopped she desperately needed Nitrogen in her system. Jackiville had no idea what was wrong with her this sort of thing never happened before. She stood up wheezing into her air mask as she held it to her face. The cold refreshing air hitting her like a high, she instantly felt better. Glancing down at the hall Triven previously left she could still hear his soft crying and his delayed footsteps. Triven had only felt accepted by one person in his life, where he felt completely comfortable, and that was Jackiville. In her eyes he was everything she had ever wanted. His leg strokes trudged along the hard wood floor as the tall ceiling, installed specifically for him, loomed just over his head. He had grown since the last time they got it risen. He kept his head low with shame and sorrow, feeling unloved and heartbroken. His arms swaying with a gentle motion and his fingers gathered tightly in a fist. Triven made it to the side of the house where his parent slept, where they used to resign. The silent opening of the door reminded him of their absence and the pain that was left. The family photos on the green walls hung straight and not a single one was out of place. Their desk was littered with notes and conspiracies of an upcoming epidemic. This epidemic was supposed to bring an end to the human race and everything else. First to go would be the plants then smaller animals and birds, following them would be the larger animals like farm animals. Water species, if they were deep enough, would be the ones that lasted the longest since it takes longer for the temperature in water to change as drastically. Triven's parents had files upon files of theories and ways to prevent them. One of which was labeled 'Series 10", this was Jackiville's files. 

Jackiville had been their tenth experiment to fight the epidemic. Previous efforts included space travel, living underground and trying to reduce green house gases. All of these got rejected or they weren't successful, Seris 10 was the only one that had high hopes. Triven read what may have been the closest thing to what remained of his parents legacy. He read everything from the fine print to attached notes. File through file he read, Triven didn't know why but it gave him comfort. By now it was late and Triven's head was spinning with the large vocabulary written across each page. His sisters file held nothing within that he didn't know. From the biopsy reports, to brain scans and even vigorous ability tests preformed by her he had already read . There was even a section explaining multiple failed attempts at recreating her DNA in rats and by using the same serum they injected her with. Each rat turned up dead within the hour and if they didn't die by heart failure they froze themselves from the inside. Jackiville's strange powers came from a strand off of a bacteria found in Antarctica. This bacteria was found in frozen chunks of glaciers that had been developing for over a million years. This sort of bacteria is called, Extremophiles, which means they live in extreme environments under extreme pressure and/or temperature. Triven's parents had some how managed to create a DNA sequence that could produce, create and manipulate ice and water when they injected it into Jackiville. Her system went haywire and for a minute she was pronounced dead, but not for long. Jackiville's heart started beating again then her brain came alive on the monitors producing strong bursts of energy and activity. Unfortunately for his parent's their line of work got shut down soon after their organization realized they couldn't reproduce the same results. Jackiville's powers she was giving were unrepeatable.

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