Regrets that Flood

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Jackiville busted through the mansion doors with sorrow consuming her. The maids and other house servants all lined up patiently as they have been instructed. Each one's face was quiet and still with their bodies following. At the end of the line, with his hands resting behind his back, was her trusted butler Breen. Jackiville slowed her pace and tried to compose herself ignoring all of her servants but Breen. His grin was bleak and sucked her in not letting her eyes escape it. Breen was blind but his glossy stare seemed to be looking straight at her. "Madam", he spoke wiping away her tears with his hand encased by the glove around it. Jackiville gritted her teeth and spat her response at him with hatred, "What happened to our oath? What happened to your promise? Triven hates me now because of you!". Breen snaked his hands around her face coldly comforting her, "You wanted your parents gone did you not? You wanted help with your problems and I did provide, did I not?", Breen hissed soothingly. Jackiville started crying again, she demanded he was the one to blame, "You think ill of me! You were never by my side were you?!", she yelled. The servants lined in their row were now surrounding her and Breen, their faces and bodies as if they had never moved. Breen raised his head and peered up at them with his glassy eyes and his smile returned. He returned his attention to the sobbing girl in his hands, "I am here to serve you and you alone. I always have been. I feel your sorrow and your hatred for yourself.", he spoke as he lowered his hands to her neck. "After all I am the one who gave you those feelings", he continued as his grip tightened around her. "I am sorrow", and with that he snapped her neck.

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