Thoughts that Swarm

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Triven's sense of direction was bad, he knew that, he couldn't tell where he was or how far he was from his home. He tried his best to read the signs around him and try to understand what all the symbols ment but to no avail. He wasn't any good at reading road signs, he didn't know what sign meant what. Only sensible thing to do was to follow the subway tracks back to where he started, so that's what he did. His long leg strokes where slow but effective, he would be home in the hour if he kept it up. Step after step Triven hated himself for leaving, how would he apologize? Should he be the one to apologize? He didn't know if Jackiville was even sorry for what she did or if she even cared. He hated himself for hitting her but was that even comparable to what she did? She had killed their father and their mother, Jackiville hated them for what they did to her. She had thrown them in lake then froze the lake solid, their faces twisted with sorrow and pain. Jackiville loved that the best, she loved how much pain she put them through and she didn't stop there. She tracked down the rest of the doctors who aided in her parents work, who tortured her. Triven had learned about her activities that very day when he saw his parents faces frozen beneath the ice. He cried out in anguish and pounded on the ice trying to break them free. His bones breaking then repairing over and over again. He even tried to use his eyes to try and move them out of it somehow but still nothing. Triven had done nothing to help so he left, he ran to the subway as he heard Jackiville run after him. Triven ran through crowds of people screaming at the sight of him, he ran until his feet developed blisters. The blisters that formed would heal instantaneously then form again, it was a never ending cycle. Triven was cursed, gifted with pleasant wants turned inside out. 

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