Something Strange

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For fear of abandonment she ran, chasing after her brother, he was all she had left; he was all she loved. She had to catch up with him before he left she had to convince him not to leave. He was five feet from her now but she continued to run. She was about to release her sorrow onto him when he stopped. The clanking of her new shoes no longer filled the air, only silence filled their absence. But this silence was soon filled with a single horrific echo almost like a ripple of distastefulness. Her brother had stuck her across the face and her eyes were pooled up with tears. She turned to face her brother, moving pieces of hair from her face that have been tossed back from the impact. His fist was clenched and his face was wet, he had been crying as well. The words choking him as he said, "I never want to see you again". Her eyes widened and her mouth quivered," wha-t?", she stuttered barley having the strength to speak. She didn't get a response only his body looming over hers and his shadow engulfing her very existence. He turned his body away from her and continued to walk as if nothing phased him. He walked past the many columns of stone, he walked past the endless rows of trash cans and stairs until he got to his subway train. The subway car wobbled as he stepped on the steel landing and the people aboard stared at him with terror. He was tall, very tall, causing him to have to stay leaned over so his back was touching the roof. The hands that struck her had long fingers and their bones were visible. Long legs accompanied them with their joints all backwards. His frame was large and his hair was cut short but it was just long enough to cover his eyes, the deadliest part about him. His eyes could cut straight through you, they could control you and make do terrible things. He kept them covered at all times. But his eyes were the most breath taking color of maroon and when he spoke they filled with amusement. She was never afraid of her brother and she didn't care what people thought about him. Her brother was the love of her life and she had ruined everything for them. His subway train left and she was left standing there with a red mark upon her face, lingering. Her hands clung to her face like glue as her bitter tears streamed out. Her hair, which had been done up this morning by Breen her butler, was now a complete mess and the bow he put in it was gone. After crying for what seemed like hours she left and didn't turn back. Meanwhile the people on the subway train had by now moved to a corner of the train away from the monstrous man. His eyes met theirs and they shuddered looking away. He sighed and looked down at his skeleton like hands to the bow that belonged to his sister. Atop her head it looked gorgeous with her black curls hugging it gently, but in his hands it looked puny and terrified. He bent his fingers around it and cursed himself for bring the way he is. knew leaving would only start more trouble but he didn't care. He knew leaving wasn't  what his adopted parents wanted him to do. They only wanted to support him and make him feel loved. His original parents, upon first look at him at his birth, wanted nothing to do with him and gave no name to him. The doctors in which had delivered him had adopted him and called him Triven. They're no legal documents to his name and as far as any one knew he didn't exist, except to his family. Triven played a big part in their lives, to having to get annual checkups or ordering clothes for his unusual body type. But that was nothing compared to how much of an impact he played in Jackiville's life, his younger sister. When she was born she had a rare breathing condition called Roplastiam which requires her to carry around a breather that's infused with liquid Nitrogen. Without the liquid Nitrogen her lungs would collapse and her body would decay at an unusually fast rate. The doctors that adopted him were her biological parents and upon giving birth to her they performed tests on her. Their goal was to create a new strand of DNA that once inserted would give the person the ability to survive in below zero degrees environments. Of course there was a reason for this dangerous goal, the earth was dying. After years of people living on it from the dinosaur ages to the year 9018, which was when the effects of the abuse on the earth started becoming evident, the earth has become dangerously close to killing everything on it. His parents had saved him the hardship of dying on the day of his birth to causing him grief over watching his sister suffer so much. Even though their tests failed they managed to give their young new born the ability to control ice. She could create ice, manipulate it, turn it back to water or just straight out freeze a person from the inside out. By doing this they also altered her body making it impossible for her to live without liquid Nitrogen. Triven didn't care if she was different because Jackiville didn't care if he was different, they hadn't fallen for each other.

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