Letting go

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The subway train had a heavy atmosphere inside, the people fueled more anxiety and Triven's brooding thoughts clouded his alertness. But when he heard someone shout from the squirming pile of people he instantly snapped out of his thoughts. "You're a monster a horrible monster that has no place here!", one of the women yelled clutching her daughters hand. She then continued to rally the cowering people around her coaxing their bravery out. "He may look intimidating and he may look tough but he is nothing. He is a freak and a loner just look at him how many people do you think he kills? Or even worse eats?!" the frantic woman shouted tightening her grip on her child. Triven stomped his way over to the people, being wary of the benches and poles. Every step he made closer to the people caused them to cry out and squirm. One little girl even ran past him desperate to get away and soon everyone else followed her led until all that was left was the woman. Her child had been clawing at her hand ,desperate to be released and when the mother finally let go she ran for her life. Triven leaned his already bent over body closer to the woman's face until he was directly in plain sight. The woman didn't scream, she only looked with terror as her face went completely white with fear. Triven had become use to the hurtful words people have thrown towards him and most of the time he could take it but something was different. Maybe it was the fact that she demanded he was the monster when she had been flapping about like a mad man or maybe it was because he had just run away from his home and the only people who loved him. He didn't care what it was his anger had consumed him and he wasn't going to hold back. Even though he rarely even did this, he pushed aside his hair to reveal his warm maroon eyes. They blinked gently, the movement mesmerizing the woman and as she melted into his eyes she felt an increasingly warm feeling around her throat. Then around her chest, it was as if she had swallowed fire and was burning her from the inside. The flames scaring her insides and scratching at her throat while she remained motionless, starring into Trivin's eyes. First it was the sensation then she started coughing then it turned into blood, she was coughing up large amounts of blood. The thick blood rushed up her throat coating and clogging it until it finally reached the surface and hit the ground with a sizzling sound. No one dare spoke for fear the monstrous man would come after them too. Triven looked back at them, the woman fell to the floor and stayed down until all the blood she previously coughed out crawled back down her body. The crowd of petrified citizens were mortified by what had happened. The woman's little girl crying as she covered her eyes. Triven realized what he did and felt guilt wash over him. He hurried to the crowd of people and exposed his eyes once more and erased their memory. Then, after the floor was spotless he gathered the woman and forcefully opened the train doors and flung himself down the tracks woman and all. Triven didn't bother moving her off the tracks, he left the subway terminal and fled outside into the bitter cold leaving the woman to die.

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