Faded will

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Jackiville released her tears as he left, letting what she had been holding back escape. Her feet stumbled with her act of sorrow, knocking over the canister of Nitrogen. Her wet and blurry vision drifted towards the smokey air as it poured out freezing over the floor. She stared at the Nitrogen and formed it back into a liquid state, picking up the canister she motioned the Nitrogen back into it's place. Rubbing her nose with the back of her arm she walked over to her closet. Opening it's pale blue doors she reached inside grabbing her inhaler and emergency mask. Returning back to the open canister she let some of it pour into the inhaler and what was left was hooked up to her mask's air tubes. She slide the straps that held the canister onto her back, specifically created for easy carrying, and made her way out of her room. Upon her exit her eyes landed on her brother, he had been standing outside her room waiting for her. Jackiville blushed at the unexpected sight, "You're back? I-", she started but was interrupted by her brothers words. "Yes I'm back Jackiville. I don't know why I ever thought I could make it five minutes in a world whose first look at me is to scream. I guess I figured it was better than to be in a house with a murderer", his tone sharp as he spoke. He didn't bother bending down to talk to her face to face so Jackiville was left staring at his lower torso. His voice was very booming from so high up and the quiet mansion seemed to throw it back and forth between it's walls. Her hands were shaking, she was sure he was going to hit her again and that terrified her. She backed away a little in his presence only resulting in her bumping her back on her bedroom door. Triven noticed her nervous behavior and took a knee, lowering his head in the process. Jackiville was now to his uppermost part of his torso with his shoulders looming just above her view. He ducked his head down to met her gaze but she closed her eyes and turned away. Jackiville stood straight as a board and moved her hands behind her back, ready for the impact of his palm on her face. She let out a squeal as Triven said, "Look at me Jackiville. You know what you did was insane right!?". He received no response from his nervous sister. "Don't be scared of me too..", Triven said with pity. Jackiville open her eyes at this and turned to her brothers crying face. She reached out to him but soon stopped and gasped at the sight of Breen standing directly behind him. He moved closer to Triven's hunched over body and her eyes filled with terror as she watched. Triven was startled by her response and stood up, "What happened to you Jackiville?", he said quietly crying as he left down the hall. His long legs seemingly dragging him forward. "Triven please", Jackiville pleaded but he didn't stop. She slowly shifted her attention towards where she saw Breen, only to find he was gone. The only thing out of place was the knife gripped in her hands, concealed behind her back.

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