Confined Mind

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Jackiville jolted awake with a gasp followed by coughing. The air was heavy around her weak lungs, it felt like sandpaper around them. She needed liquid Nitrogen, she could feel herself dying and all the pain that came with it. Her room was full with tons of it just surrounding her so that wasn't a problem, the problem was reaching it. Her hands and feet were restrained by rope as she had been tied upright. The canisters containing her precious air was only a foot away from her, taunting her. Jackiville looked at her restraints and struggled beneath them. Her gift was powerless with out the liquid Nitrogen in her lungs, making it useless to try and use them. Her chest ached causing her to cave in on herself in pain. "Breen", she spoke barely making a whisper. But, nonetheless Breen appeared instantaneously as constant as always. His grin developed dread in her and as he walked forward with the sound of his shoes making contact with the ground he removed his gloves. Throwing them to the side of his path he reached Jackiville and began to untie her leaving only her hands tied. "Triven had returned while you were asleep, isn't that wonderful?", Breen said making gestures with his hands. Jackiville stood on her weak feet with her hands, being restrained, the only things holding her up. "Ni-troge-nn", she barely gasped out her gaze never leaving Breen's blank stare. He cocked his head then he moved closer to her, only a foot away from her. Breen reached down to the floor and picked up one of the canister twisting open the cap letting the cold air escape. He only had to open it for her to instantly regain her strength. "You killed me! And- and you tied me up?!", Jackiville hissed at him impatiently. Breen set the canister on the wooden floor, the gases dropping off the sides spilling onto the floor. He loosened his tie and released his red hair that had been tied back. "Pardon me, it's a little stuffy in here Madam. Now, let me help you with your restraints shall I?", he offered as he extended his hands and began to untie. Jackiville's hands fell to her sides as she swayed, catching herself on the nearby wall, she huffed. "You're a monster..", she stated as she regained her posture. There were red marks on her wrists from were the ropes had been bound tightly. "Now Jackiville", he began letting her name drip off his lips with a venomous tone. "Your parents and their 'evil' associates who aided them during their experiments had to be taught a lesson. Those very experiments in which had given you your unique traits may I remind you.", Breen confidently spoke as he moved in on her. "They were evil evil people, remember? They put their own daughter in harms way Jackiville. That's what you believe right? I know it is. I can hear you. I can feel you. I am you after all", his voice trailing off as he spoke. Breen gripped her face and Jackiville's skin developed goosebumps as he spoke, his voice seemed to be coming from everywhere."I merely accomplished what you could not. You enjoyed it don't lie Jackiville", he concluded sounding cheerful. She shook her head, "No. No, I didn't. Get out of my head Breen! Stop controlling me!", she frantically moving his hand away and moving herself off the wall ready to attack him. "I'll do as I please", Breen whispered spontaneously from behind her just before vanishing just as fast as he had arrived

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