Ch 11 - Blinds and Bluffs

Start from the beginning

"Lover you say? I'm Emerald. More than just the green eyes. So girl tell me." She mixed her cocktail with her finger. "Where do your benefits come from here? Maybe I just don't see it."

"Name is Akeno. My boyfriend and I are doing a job and I wanted to be by his side."

"Are you two fallen angels?"

"You can say that."

"Welcome then. Rumor was a devil chick would be here. And isn't that blonde at the table a little young?"

"Aren't some to begin with it? We all have a job here Emerald. Not sure who you're with or how much you get paid but we all have a reason here."

"True doll. Quite true. You care for a drink?"

"Thank you but I'll have to decline."

"Suit yourself. One more thing to ask. Are those....... real?"

"What is?"

"The double D cups."

< Akeno please. >

"Firm, real, au naturale, and make men stare."

Emerald blushed and got very annoyed. "Very well then. Carry on." She walks over to the bar and grabs a seat.

< That's over with. >

< Phew. Sounds like work huh beautiful. >

< My bosoms are real. Hmph. Gasper has bigger boobs than her. >

< Harsh. >

< Don't insult my man, what I do, and my figure. It was rude and very uncomfortable. >

< You're a ten. Ease up. I'm playing my hand. You can give me a kiss if that would help. >

Five players are in ¥3,000 and your hand is pair of Fives suits hearts and diamonds. You check as Akeno taps your shoulder.


"Yes hello beautiful."

She sat on your lap. "I'm do for one handsome."

In front of the guys at the table and everyone her left arm wraps around your neck and kisses you. Your tongues dance real quick as the players became quickly jealous. Especially Raval.

"Preistess of Thunder is your girlfriend? How do I compete with that?" She asked.

"Enter deeper in the dating pool maybe?"

"Ugh. Why the cute boys taken?"

"I'll talk to you soon my love. I got to go back to work."

"I'll be waiting handsome."

You smack her butt. "Till then."


Cao smacks himself awake. "Barman. Another please. Shaken not stirred."

Crap that's three. This guys needs AA or some shit. No wonder he needs my help. Drinks himself gone and loses money. Devils juice as they call it consumes him. Although really needs another name.

The flip comes.

Seven of hearts

Ten of spades

Six of clubs.

You check and hope checks go all around. Nope. Raval ruined that.

"Call. ¥4,000." She smirks.

Kibosh on that. Too risky and you weren't going to play stupid. You we're out. Cao had other ideas.

"Oh yeah chick? Raise you one."

"I match."

Betting ¥5,000 each the flop comes.

Jack of hearts.

"Two more big guy." She's pushing more chips forward.

"And that means I'm all in. ¥1,600. Let's rock."

Better be worth it man. Raval has got a purpose here if she's here playing with these guys.

The river comes.

Ace of diamonds.

The dealer looks on both sides. "Sir. Madam. Show of hands please." Cao flips and slides them to the dealer. "Jacks. Three of a kind. Ms. Phoenix?" She slides them over as the dealer flips them. "Straight. Ten high. Ms. Phoenix wins."



< No. >

Cao gets up and goes over to you. "Can you spot me?"

"So let me get this straight. Three drinks in with seven others to face you what? I'm sorry try again. Sit down."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you got nothing. Zero. Ungotz. Donut. Sit down and stay down and stay out of trouble."

"You mean your?"

"Stay out of my way." You wink.

"Alright. Cool. Winning for me. Alright. Barman. One more."

"After this we get you help too. Put the damn glass down. My goodness."

< Just you handsome? >

< Yeah. For better and worse. >

< Careful of Blondie. I don't want a love rival. >

< Noted. I love you. >


Admin - With a paid woman present to pick Akeno's brain, your partner out by Raval, and being one of the big stake bullies at the table it's gotten interesting. One down and six to go.

Raval is jealous of Akeno completely and Akeno is rather flustered. It will be interesting to see what will happen as the game goes on and when intermission takes place.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and have an awesome day cause you guys are the best. I love you all.


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