Ch 3 - Shocks and Confidence

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While Xenovia and Koneko were fur filling the requests everyone met up in the gym. Asia summoned Rosai and held in arm chest.

"That's Rosai? He's rather cute."

"Careful." Asia shouted.

*Zap* "Ahhhhhhh" You screamed and fell flat.

"Easy naughty boy you have to be nice to (FN) were only training." She said to the little dragon.

Issei cringed. He knew what that was like. Rias, and Gasper joined him on the stage.

"Okay let's begin. Try offensively to get to me to submit. Don't worry you won't hurt me." Said Akeno.

Strike her? Just great. Let's attack a pretty girl don't we. This sucks.

"Quit waiting and see what you got already." Yelled Rias.

"Okay. Aura's Storm." *Zing*

You held your hand up and put anger into your hand. Green lightning started to form into the gear. When throwing it it released a lightning strike. You aimed and hit ten feet away from Akeno.

"You missed." She mocked.

"Okay." *Zing* "Here!" You struck again.

Akeno dodged it by hovering airborne. You were in relief when she did.

"Not bad. Try this." She sent a shock wave to you.

You jumped high but it caught your back foot sending volts up your spine crashing you to the floor.

"Almost." Blushed Akeno. "Didn't feel good like it did for me apparently."

"Yup and I get the S&M treatment. Hey its a start." You mumbled.

"Get up." *Zap*

"Trying." You get to your knees.

*Zap* "Pick it up."

You tried the best you could and we're limping up. Rosai aimed a bolt at you and you dodged it by a hair. He tried once more and you caught it with Aura's Storm.

"Huh? What what if?" *Boom*

A sound of loud thunder went off as you countered Rosai's lightning at Akeno. It hit her square in the chest. The shock brought her back a few feet.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry." You fell to your knees covering your facial reaction.

"I'm okay. You've gotten strong. I think we're good for today. We should rest up." Akeno blushed.

"Okay then. Time to say goodnight sweet boy." She summoned Rosai back.

"Now time for us to get home and wait for the other two. They should be done anytime now." Said Rias summoning everyone back to the house.

You went back to your room still feeling bad about what happened with Akeno. You sulk and hit the sack early.

You are awaken by a knock at the door.

"Who's there?" You asked groggily.

The door opened. "I see training is paying off." Said Akeno. "Did I wake you?"

"Ya but no big deal."

"I'll have you get back to that. Keep doing your thing. Everyone is proud. If you need me I'll be with Issei tonight. Goodnight." She exited.

Yup and Issei's charm or whatever strikes again. I'm guessing Rias, Asia, and Akeno are cuddling next to him and I'm here all alone. But she came to see so I'll take it. Probably as much as I can ask for. If the planets aline one day.

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