"Only because they're about you."

And before I could say anything back he twirled me around again, leaving me clueless. My heart was racing and I couldn't get his words out of my head as he let go of me. Leaving the both of us standing there, and I knew he wanted me to listen to the lyrics so I did.

"Counted my mistakes and there's only one,
Standing out from the list of the things I've done, All the rest of my crimes don't come close, To the look on your face when I let you go," It wasn't clicking in my head right away, but once the chorus came around my stomach was fluttering. "Now I'm searching every lonely place, every corner calling out your name, trying to find you but I just don't know, where do broken hearts go,"  I didn't know how to show my feelings. Honestly I didn't know what to say. Niall wrote a song about me and it accurately describes our situation... making the feelings Niall had more visible.

Opening my mouth, trying to find words, I closed it. There was nothing I could say. Looking at Niall, his face was redder than usual, a the blank face he had was turning into a small smile. He took a step closer to me, reaching out his hand to mine. I looked down, study his hand for a little while. My mind was racing, and my heart was about to explode. The next move I was about to make could change everything. But it would be the only way I could show Niall my feelings for this song.

Looking back up at him, I felt a smile start to form on my lips. Before reconsidering anything, I slowly leaned myself toward Niall, pushing my lips onto his.

|Niall's P.O.V|

Sarah's face formed into a smile. A smile that I love to see because when she smiles, my day is made. Her smile literally lights up a whole room, everything about her lights up a whole room.

About to smile bigger back, I was cut off by the girl I've loved the most lips on mine. I was caught off guard, my eyes widened and my body stiffened up. The last thing I wanted was for Sarah to get the wrong idea- that I didn't want to kiss her back. Of course I did, I was just  flabbergasted. As my body slowly relaxed down, my hands found their way to her cheeks, where I pulled her in more. Her small body pressed against mine, our lips moving ever so slowly making the kiss even more passionate. I've kissed Sarah before, but never like this. I've never felt this nervous/excited/happy in my life.

I'm kissing the girl of my dreams.

After a few seconds, Sarah pulled back, resting her head against my chin. Catching my breath, I placed my lips upon her forehead. I wanted her to know I wanted more of this relationship we had going. I wanted to be more than just 'close friends.' But the thing is, I don't know if she wants it. She has college, and I have to finish touring. We both have different opportunities. Our lifestyle of living is not compatible.

But I want her, damn do I want her.

"I forgot how amazing it was to kiss you." Sarah whispered, hugging me tighter. We stood still in the middle of the dance floor as everyone slow danced around us. Finally a non One Direction song was on.

Listening to her admit that made my stomach drop. The smile on my face was impossible to hide. This moment right here was the turning point for us. And I really hope it's for the good.

"Tell me about it." I breathed out loudly, resting my chin on her head. My eyes we glued on Aspen's who was freaking out from the side. Jack from All Time Low was giving me the thumbs up as well. They must of seen us kiss.

Where Do Broken Hearts Go (Niall  Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now