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Hi! It's been literally a month!!
I suckkkk xD

I jolt awake wheezing, my body feeling overheated and sweaty. I'm burning up. Bad.

The body on mine feels the same, and the blanket over us is not helping. I blink my eyes awake and groan, stretching my arms above my head.

My legs feel sore for being folded so long. Scott's head is still in my lap, but his arms seem to have migrated around my body, snuggling me like an oversized teddy bear.

He's heavy, constricting, and radiating heat. The blanket is like an insulator, cooking the both of us. The heat is overwhelming me, but I'm trapped.

Oh, and did I mention he's snoring? Because it's loud.

"Scotttt," I grumble, attempting to push his giant body off of me. "Get off, you big oaf."

His snoring seems to get even louder with every push to his shoulders. After several minutes of struggle, I manage to wiggle from his grip.

Scott's head flops back down onto his now empty arms. I roll my eyes. How is he such an incredibly heavy sleeper?

"Scott," I poke his cheek.

He scrunches his face up for a moment, mumbles something illegible, then... Goes back to snoring. I sigh dramatically, sweeping my eyes up to the ceiling.

I climb on top of him, flipping his shoulders around with immense difficulty. I finally get him on his back, but he's still snoring on like a freaking train.

"How the fu-" I mumble, sitting my entire weight on his chest. "Scott!"

I slap his face as hard as I can without seriously hurting him. This finally elects a response.

He snorts awake, grumbling a loud "What the hell, Mitch?!" as he holds his cheek.

"Come on, I didn't even hit you that hard," I roll my eyes, pecking his forehead.

"What is your problem?" Scott groans, still annoyed.

"You were still asleep."

"And you couldn't wake me up normally?!"

I open my mouth to speak, but I stop, glaring daggers at him. I raise my hands, deciding to just let it go.

"I'm making a snack. If you want something, it's all on you." I swing my leg over and off of his torso, standing straight to stretch.

"I'll get something in a second..." he hums, unmoving from the couch.

I freeze in the kitchen doorway, and without turning I know exactly what he's doing.

"You're staring at my ass, aren't you?" I chuckle a bit.

"Yup." he says, popping the 'p'. I turn to glare at his smirking face.

"You're disgusting."


"You're kidding," I shriek, gripping Kirstie's shoulders and searching her eyes of any sign of untruthfulness.

A group of freshman stare at me like I just grew a third head, but I ignore them, pulling us off to the side of the hallway.

She shakes her head excitedly and does a little dance. A wide smile spreads across my face, my heart warming for my best friend.

"That's amazing, Kirst!!" I squeal, bouncing up and down from toe to toe, "What's his name?"

"Jeremy..." she swoons, her cheeks flushing with elation.

"Lewis?! From chemistry?" she nods again, even more excitedly. "He's so hot. And a good singer too!"

"I know!! He's literally perfect!"

"I'm so happy for you sis! How long has it been?"

"We've been talking for a few weeks..." She admits, and I give her a playful look. "he asked me out today, we're going on a date!"

"Oh my gosh, when?!" I can't believe she didn't tell me this before!

"Friday! We're going out to dinner, I think."

"Your babies are going to be gorgeous!"

"Okay, don't make it weird." She pauses, fumbling with her books before looking up at me desperately. "Can you hold my phone for a second? I can't remember if I did my History homework or not..."

I oblige without hesitation, waiting patiently as she shuffles through her folders.

"Can I read your lovestruck texts? I wanna see if I can pick up any douchebaggery."

"No." she responds quickly, out-of-the-blue defensive.

"Come on Kirst, you've read all of Scott and I's," I mumble, unlocking her phone and navigating through it, "There's nothing I'll judge you for, don't be embar-"

"I said no!!" she shrieks, snatching the phone out of my hand as if I stole it from her. I jump, not expecting her sudden and angry outburst.


"Just shut up!" she yells, pausing for a moment to glare at me, then storming off into the crowd. What the hell?

I stand there, completely shocked, until I feel a hand on my arm. I jump again, only to realize it's Scott, who has the same taken-aback expression as I do. I'm guessing he witnessed the most of what just happened.

"That was weird." he says, his concerned gaze shifting from the empty space in front of me to my eyes.

"T-tell me about it."

"Do you think... she's like, ashamed of him or something?"

"I don't know... That's not like Kirstie. She seemed really excited about him before. Something's a little off." Or maybe not. "Maybe I should have left it alone when she told me the first time."

"Yeah, maybe..." Scott says, his face still tense with concern.

And shit, do I feel guilty.


Its my birthday tomorrow!! And, if I'm being honest, I'm not the most excited about it. It's on a monday (ugh) and I've never really been a big fan of it for some reason.

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