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I felt like a crap ton of fluff was necessary. 23446 words of pure fluff, y'all


A young, green sprout began to grow in my very core the first time I layed eyes on him. It started to grow without me even realizing it. Every time I saw those deep azure eyes, it flourished in the bright, warm and giddy happiness of my soul. Now, as he stares down into my eyes, as the last bit of sunlight shines through the trees, I can feel it. A small, yet very noticeable, eruption in my chest. The minute sprout explodes into a beautiful budding flower. It is still in it's beginning stages, just now collecting its colors and shaping it's petals, yet it's heavenly. It runs a cozy, warm feeling through my veins all the way down to my fingers and toes. It calms my erratic breathing and awakens my fear-closed mind.

His blazing eyes smile down at me, the reflection of the orange afternoon sun twinkling in his irises. They scan around on my face, as though I am the most precious thing he has ever gazed upon, desperately memorizing my features like it's the last time he'll see them. His hand starts to pet my hair and I sigh as I slip into a dreamlike content state I have never experienced.

Scott grins cutely and kisses my nose, causing me to giggle quietly. He takes a breath and breaks the silence.

"It's amazing how you can go from super badass, to breaking down, and then to adorable and innocent, all in less than an hour." He chuckles at his own words.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I turn my head, nuzzling my face into his chest in embarrassment.

"I love it. You completely killed it over there." He signals his head in the general direction of his house. "It makes me sad... your breakdowns... I wish I could help."

I lift my face and smile at him. "I wish I could help it. I guess sometimes I just need to take a deep breath, and other times it's not that easy. Other times I need someone to sweep me off my feet, to tell me it's okay, to hold me until I can think clearly again." His face falls as I speak but his eyes are filled with understanding.

"I will always be here. Call me if it happens again."

"Of course." We fall into a comfortable silence for a bit, just taking in the moment. Scott breaks it once again.

"Would you go on a date with me? We can go to a restaurant, go on a drive, get far from here for a bit..." my heart flips and I beam at him.

"That sounds nice," his face lights up at my answer, "I think that sounds amazing, actually."

"Great! Mitch!" He holds the sides of my face and grins from ear to ear. He pulls me up for a kiss and I melt into it. It's the first time we've kissed since the incident, and I feel happier than I have been for a long while. "This is going to be the best."

He kisses me again and I smile into it. I can't get enough of this boy.


My phone buzzes for the third time in the past five minutes. I fix my hair again in the mirror and pick my phone up, just as it buzzes again.

Scoot<3- im here queen
Scoot<3- hello
Scoot<3- im waitingggg
Scoot<3- its just me michelle, you could literally walk out of there in a shower curtain and you would still be the most flawless thing ever

I roll my eyes as I feel my cheeks heat up. He will take every opportunity to complement the hell out of me.

Me- im coming, im coming
Me- momma's gotta look hot for papi

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